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today was a huge event for all porn stars from every company to come out and take pictures and do interviews. everyone that attended were A- list stars and had a reputation for themselves.

jungkook loved this specific day because this was the only time he got to see his other friends. jimin couldn't attend because he was busy but as a replacement jungkook came with thalia.

today was their debut to show off their relationship to the world and to say the least jungkook didn't like the idea. he felt like he just signed himself off to the devil.

he was being hostile towards thalia and she was doing the same. apparently, the director ratted him out and told her what jungkook said and she became more bitchy than a rich beverly hills girl.

on their way to the event they were arguing and jungkook hated how they acted the same way in situations like this.

he sucked it up and reached for her hand but she swatted it away and stomped on his foot.

jungkook wanted to strangle her and maybe fuck her good to set her straight but then he realized he wasn't with all that with her. she blew that opportunity.

"jungkook and thalia over here!" the paparazzi screamed. thalia posed elegantly for the camera and gazed at jungkook.

she grabbed him and kissed him passionately. jungkook placed his hands on her ass and rubbed it gently.

"don't forget that you're my bitch," thalia whispered before walking away.

the paparazzi was eating her ass by taking hundreds of pictures of thalia and at the moment, jungkook really felt like her bitch.

"hey guys over here!" an interviewer called. she was standing by her camera crew and she had mics waiting on the table.

"oh my god! thalia and jungkook just made it in the building and they are wearing matching givenchy outfits! if that doesn't scream rich couple then i don't know what does."

"so how are you guys considering the fact that you guys made it official?" jungkook picked a mic up and gave his signature bunny smile. he gazed into the camera and pointed.

"our relationship is hot shit fire and we be fucking all day all night!" he lied while smirking.

thalia grabbed the mic and laughed. "the chemistry is definitely there and we just try to have a good time out of the porn industry. he's a real charmer."

the interviewer gushed and said 'awwww' repeatedly. "you guys are too cute it makes me want to puke. do you guys see yourself getting married in the future?"

jungkook hesitated and swiftly took back the mic. "we're just really taking it slow right now, marriage isn't on our mind but we'll get back to you on that."

"well thank you guys for talking with us and i hope you guys have a good night."

the two walked off and continued down the red carpet until they reached the main building.

once entering, all the females were fully undressed and the males were either trying to fuck them or they already fucked.

"you're so underdressed babe, get naked like the slut you are." he smacked thalia's ass and winked.

jungkook couldn't lie and say that he didn't see women he fucked or wants to fuck. this was making him excited seeing all these beautiful naked ladies walking around so freely.

thalia scoffed and patted her dress down. "you are my boyfriend when the cameras are rolling, go fuck your dirty hoes behind the dumpster." she noticed how he was eye fucking the naked women serving drinks.

jungkook scowled at her until his body turned the opposite direction.

"you are such a fake friend." kim taehyung said out of the blue. it was evident that he was drunk.

typical tae

"how so?" taehyung leaned on jungkook's shoulder and hiccuped. taehyung is a heavy drinker and no matter how much he sobered up he will always go back to drinking. jungkook tried to stop him from ruining his life but tae chose the life he wanted.

"you never called me when i needed you. i was in the hospital and i left to come here. i'm shocked i'm alive." his pain was hiding through his laughs and jungkook felt bad.

they were good friends until an altercation occurred between the two. they completely fell off because of taehyung's arrogance and personality but jungkook decided to be the bigger person and placed their personal issues aside.

"tae i want you to meet my friend with benefits." the male gritted through his teeth.

thalia shook tae's hand and he smirked. "i know who she is kook, we have a few videos out together."

"your dick is so big daddy tae, i can't wait to cum all over it again." she teased.

jungkook's mouth agape and he couldn't speak. "what the fuck is this? you guys are serious?"

tae nodded and bit his tongue. "if you don't mind, i would love to do your friend again kook. she feels amazing."

thalia smiled but mentally she was disgusted. men are such pigs and they are so pathetic.

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