I Do Believe In Fairies

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Killian had spent the last few days recovering as best as he could at home, all that he could think about was the hazel-eyed elf that made his stomach tied in knots and his heart fill with love but he couldn't help thinking about what the goddess had said to him


"Killian, you must understand I see everything that happens and I saw who did this to you, I am sorry to inform you but it was Azari the elf" The bright, glowing woman said with a very convincing sadness to her voice.

"A-azari? But he would never hurt me Miss, he loves me" The very worn out pink fairy mentioned confidently

"He faked it! Its all part of who he is and well... unfortunately that's not everything about him" she trailed into silence

Killian perked up looking at her with interest in his expression "not everything? What does that mean?" the boy mumbles not understanding, he knew all there was to know about Azari, what would he possibly hide.

The woman sighed heavily "do not go hating him as not even he knows but this elf is special. He is the only one of his kind that holds the power to destroy everything with a snap of his fingers and I believe his intentions in hurting you were to get you out of the way so you would not stop his plans. He is beginning to uncover things about himself now. Killian dear, you must stop him! Do not let his power resurface!" she begged with him once again a very convincing act on her part.

"I will do my best to stop him Miss! You can count on me, but I must recover first" he winced at the pain coursing through his body. The poor fairy was so easily convinced when at his weakest but of course, the goddess knew this about him, she was not entirely lying at lease, she truly did see everything.


The dusty pink fairy sighed deeply and decided to venture the forest but once he found himself at the entrance he stopped, why now did Killian begin to feel nervous? He genuinely believed the woman but a part of him knew that Azari was not the type to harm others.

Moments passed; the wind blew through Killian's bright pink curly hair. The male took a step forward into the wilderness of the woods to find Azari. Killian walked for a mere 10 minutes before noticing the elf sitting by a river, his knees tucked into his chest and tears staining his pale cheeks. All Killian could hear from the boys mouth was the words "I do believe in fairies" over and over again.

"Azari..." Killian whispered softly to get the white-haired boy's attention

"K-Killian?!" he jumped up in shock. The small elf's hair was a mess, his eyes were a dark brown, skin pale and he had lost a bit of weight from the last time Killian saw him. "what... what are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to see me again?"

"That is true, I did say that but Azari... I need to speak to you, about what I was told by the goddess and what she said about you" his gaze dropped to the floor as he couldn't bare looking at what had become of the person he loves. Just like that they both took a seat on the dirty ground and Killian began to explain exactly what happened whilst he was being treated. 

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