The Plan

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Stacks of paper filled the desk, behind all the mess was a very worn out Sapphire who had been awake all night. She was just drifting off into a blissful sleep before Rufus rudely interrupted her by bursting through the door. "Saph, Saph wake up!" he screeched tripping on his own feet. The male fairy regained his composure, clearing his throat and calming down a little before speaking again "Killian is on his way here, with the elf. They are coming to confront the royal highness" Rufus spoke quickly trying to tell her before they arrived. "They are doing what now!?" she exclaimed rising from her seat, she grabs Rufus' arm and pulls him close "we cannot let them get past the guards, Killian has good ties with them, they would let him past no problem" she whispers then sighs trying to think of a perfect solution until Rufus spoke up "we could ambush their journey?" the ruby red fairy suggested uncertain of how they would do such a thing just yet. Sapphire began pacing back and forth, so much was running through her mind.

Killian and Azari were walking through the forest going through their plan one last time. "So, I'll talk to the guards, they'll allow me through unless they've managed to change them in a matter of days which I'm pretty certain they haven't..." Killian said confidently looking to Azari who was more focused on keeping himself calm so he didn't get too angry that he lost control like before. The white-haired elf replayed the day he killed the Goddess in his head over and over each day it began to eat him up inside. Azari felt a remarkably familiar hand reach his which had bought him away from his own thoughts "...then you will go from tree to tree whilst I distract the other fairy's especially Sapphire, until you reach the royal highness and from there you will confront her about why you were banished and let her know about your sister trying to kill you off" the young male finished the plan turning to Killian and kissing his cheek. "Everything will be fine. It will work. If and it is a big If, it doesn't work out how we planned then we carry on the only way we can... We fight. Let your power build Azari, don't let anything distract you... even if I end up hurt and you see that, you fight baby got it?" the sky darkened as Killian spoke they both looked up noticing the arrived where they needed to be. The two looked to each other and nodded in agreement that it was time. Killian grabbed Azari and fluttered his wings, lifting them from the ground and off into the kingdom of fairy's.

Rufus sat upon a treetop, looking for anything suspicious, Sapphire and himself had already planned what would happen; that was, if they saw the unusual pair heading towards the royal highness. "Anything yet?" Rufus whispered to Sapphire whom of which was sitting on the tree across from him. "Nothi- Wait! There they are" she exclaimed quickly hiding within the shadows. The pair watched the couple as they walked in past the guards and Killian began to fly off. "Rufus, take Azari, I've got my brother" the blue-eyed female said before flying off through the trees after Killian. With her words echoing the scrawny red-haired male flew to the ground, landing in front of Azari he scoffed, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth "hello dwarf" his voice was low, a dark aura began to surround him. Azari stopped in his tracks and looked him dead in the eyes "get out of my way pixie" the hazel-eyed male growled but kept relatively calm for the time being until he heard a yell in the distance. Azari began walking towards Rufus with great speed, "move!" he exclaimed, sweeping his hand to the side. An incredible force picked Rufus from the ground, he tried to push himself against it, but it was no use, he was slammed into a thick tree.

Killian had been stopped by Sapphire. Sapphire chuckled sadistically "I should have killed you when I had the chance" she remarked in a cold, darkened tone. "well now you can take your best shot, what is it you have against me Sapphire... we were once so close..." the males wings had begun fading to black, his eyes darkening as he waited on the blue females response. Sapphire scoffed and raised an eyebrow "you seriously don't remember?". Killian looked at her confused, he had no clue what she was talking about. "Oh, for goodness sake Killian, Dad always chose you over me. You were his golden boy after you transitioned. The son he always wanted. I for one got tired of it, yet we still become close, but you left Killian. You left me with our mother... her now only daughter. She hurt me, she raised me to be a fighter but in the most brutal way possible and I blame you! I hate you!" she screamed as she lunged towards her brother, her hands now forming into tiny fists, she took a swing at Killian, but he just stood there. No defending himself, no retaliating. He took the punch head on, every part of him that was once pink had faded to black. Killian smirked looking to the left of him "you made it my love" he whispered before turning back to Sapphire "it was never an easy road with dad, do not get that one twisted Saph. I got kicked from here just for protecting the guy and he didn't even care, son he never had? So... he nor mother ever told you of our other sibling no?" he raised a brow, his colour slowly returning.

Azari was watching the two of them, waiting for the signal from Killian to take her out so they could continue their plan. Sapphire laughed obnoxiously "other sibling? What are you talking about?" she questioned confused. "Azari if you will darling" Killian turned to Azari, as did Sapphire. The blue-eyed fairy gasped in shock as the elf dragged a red-haired fairy across the ground, the guy was out cold. "Yes Saph, say hello to Rufus. Our lovely brother" Killian spat out in hatred.

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