Fireflies (Part 1)

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Azari sighed heavily laying on a log which he called a bed. He had been staring up at the bright sunlit sky for some time, he was not sure how much time had passed but he was sure most of the day had just flew by with a blink of an eye. The young elf got up and decided to wonder the forest for the first time in a while. He wondered through flower beds, rivers and a small waterfall. Azari ended up getting lost and sighed once more, he continued looking to the ground to try and track his last movements but instead found someone else had been walking here. He knelt down and studied the imprint in the mulch ridden ground, gasping as he noticed a slight sparkle coming from beside them, it had been Killian walking around here but why? 

A few moments passed but Azari could not find any other trace of Killian anywhere until he realised where he was, his gaze lifted, settling on a huge trunk covered with bark. It was the very tree that lead to the fairies, the hazel eyed male followed the tree up knowing he couldn't make it up there without Killian he scoffed, took a deep breath and yelled as loud as he possibly could "KILLIAN!" his voice echoed through the air surrounding him. His yell had caught the attention of a sweet looking fairy dressed in a royal blue dress, her beautiful blonde hair tied into a bun, she flew down and looked at Azari who was now backed up against a smaller tree behind him. 

"Was it you that decided to disturb the royal wedding?" she asks, her voice was soft yet stern. The young elf bit his lip "oh, was me i'm very sorry.. I was looking for someone and thought he may be up there" He admitted trying to control his stutter and the gut wrenching nervous feeling that had spread though his whole body. 

"Well out with it elf! who is this mysterious person you so desire to reach?" the blonde haired fairy demanded answers but Azari only grew more nervous, after spending so much time with the man he loved he never realised how rude and abrupt most fairies could be, "I-i'm l-looking for a f-fairy named K-Killian, is h-he here?" it was no use his stutter had broken through his facade of acting confident. 

"Killian? The banished fairy no one would ever look at again let alone talk to? no he is not here, hopefully he's dead in a ditch somewhere. Listen kid, take yourself away from here, go back home and forget whatever fantasy you think you have with-" she was cut short by Azari moving closer to her, his expression darkening, "Don't you EVER talk to me about Killian like that again or i will rip those wings off of your scrawny little body with my bare hands!" the usually calm elf had finally lost it he couldn't bare anyone disrespecting someone he cared about that way.

The female was just about to respond until both of their heads swiftly turned to a small groaning noise from within the bushes. Azari bravely walked over, noticing some pixie dust over the ground, but it was not shining like usual instead it was covered with blood as was a majority of the ground. The small elf's gaze fixated on the bushes to which he let out a loud gasp, his body began to tremble with fear, he slowly moved towards the body that lay in front of him noticing it was none other but Killian. 

"Killi!" He screamed pulling the pink haired fairy into his arms. "Call someone! Now!!" he growled at the female who had a slight smirk on her lips, she shrugged and flew away going back to her business. "Oh Killian what happened? you're a mess, this isn't like you at all." he whispers kissing a bloodied cheek. The usually bright pink and flourishing fairy was now a bruised and bloodied mess, a huge gash could be seen across his stomach, his usually plump lips were now split and swollen, Azari then noticed Killian's head had been bleeding heavily. 

"Don't worry, if no one else will help you... I will and i know exactly what we have to do my love just hold on okay? stay with me" Azari whispered choking on tears but tried to remain strong for the man who laid in his arms practically dying. Seconds passed until Azari found the strength to stand, using all his upper body muscle to carry the fairy off into the woods, it was time to reveal a little bit about himself to Killian for once... 


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