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This is either going to be really great, or really horrible. You guys can decide.

I was on the internet and I searched "Merlin is the son of" and then one of the auto-fill options was "Merlin is the son of Arthur." Now, I found this very interesting, so I clicked on it. Sadly, there were no fanfictions or anything where Merlin was the son of Arthur. Because of this, my mind ran wild with ideas, creating this story. Let's see how it goes!


Queen Guinevere held her fifteen-year old son in a tight embrace. "You don't have to go," she whispered.

Prince Myrddin buried his head in his mother's shoulder, holding her just as tight. "You know I do. It's the only way to save Albion, and perhaps Father too." They pulled apart and Myrddian wiped a tear from Guinevere's cheek. "I love you, and I'll see you soon. I promise."

"I love you too. Be safe."

Myrddin walked a safe distance away from his mother and then began his enchantment. There was a flash of silver light, and he was gone.

Guinevere released the sob that she had been holding back and fell to her knees. She buried her head in her hands, praying to anyone that might hear her that her child, the only thing she had left of her beloved, would be alright.

 Sir Leon found her in that same position, nearly an hour later. He picked her up and carried her to the cave that they had taken refuge in for the past sixteen years, since the Battle of Camlann. The fateful battle where her child was conceived and her husband killed. Since then, Morgana ruled as empress over the land of Albion. However, many people refused to acknowledge her as their ruler. Those who were not killed went into hiding. Guinevere acted as their leader. To them, she was still the true queen. 

Morgana's forces were great in both number and skill. They had the ability to take down kingdoms in mere hours. The remaining people of Camelot, the refugees, knew that they stood no chance against Morgana. Eventually, they came up with a plan that would alter the course of history. They would send someone back in time to ensure that the events that led to Morgana's rule would never happen.

Myrddin volunteered. He was willing to go through anything if it would save his people. He was just like his father in that way. Even if he had not volunteered, he was the only one capable of performing the spell needed for the plan. Prince Myrddin was a warlock. He had been performing magic before he could walk. The druids claimed that he was the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the face of the earth. The physical embodiment of magic. 

Somehow, that did not ease Guinevere's mind.

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