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Merlin had never been this exhausted in his entire life.

After the battle, Arthur asked Guinevere to marry him (again). She said yes, and they decided to have the wedding as soon as possible. Usually, weddings are prepared months in advance. This wedding took place three days after Morgana's death. Because he was Arthur's manservant, Myrddin was overseeing everything. He spent most of the day running around the castle making sure that everything was going smoothly, while doing his regular duties. 

But in the end, it was worth it. The ceremony was perfect, and Guinevere looked beautiful as she walked down the aisle. Anyone could feel the pure joy that radiated from the couple as they were finally united as one. Plus, how many people can say that they went back in time and got to witness their parents' wedding?

The day after the wedding, Guinevere and Arthur cornered Myrddin. He had been walking down the hall, trying to figure out how to say goodbye, when he saw Guinevere walking towards him with a "you're going to tell me exactly what is going on" face. He turned to try and escape, but Arthur was coming up behind him with a similar expression. Myrddin felt his heart speed up. 

"Hey Gwen, Arthur. What's going on?"

"I think you know exactly what's going on, Merlin," Guinevere said, patting Merlin's cheek.

"I don't-" Myrddin was cut off by Arthur grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder. Myrddin banged his fists against Arthur's back. "Let me go!"

"No!" Arthur carried Myrddin to his and Guinevere's chambers and set him down on a chair. 

"Is this really necessary?" Myrddin asked.

"Well, perhaps not, but it was a lot of fun," Arthur grinned.

"I couldn't stop thinking about what you said to me in the woods," Guinevere explained, "so I told Arthur about it, and he didn't know what you were talking about either. You've never made a promise to me that you'd need to apologize for. And then I realized that I never made you promise to explain what you meant, and that you would avoid me so that you would never have to. Am I correct?"

Myrddin nodded. 

"So, do you want to explain to us what you meant?"

"Not really, no."

"Well too bad, because you don't have a choice. Not to mention the fact that you have magic as well," Arthur said. 

Myrddn looked back and forth between his parents. With a sigh, he decided to tell them the truth. All of it. "I might sound crazy, but you have to believe me. What I am about to tell you is one hundred percent true. Will you promise to hear me out?"

Guinevere and Arthur agreed.

"Okay. I am not from Ealdor. Hunith is not my aunt. I didn't lie when I said that I grew up in the caves. I did. Just, in the future. I was sent back in time to help you, Arthur, defeat Morgana, because where I'm from, you died. Morgana took over as Empress of all of Albion. Some people escaped, and hid in the caves, including Gwen and Leon. Gwen, you still acted as their leader. They looked to you as queen. It was bad. Morgana was going to destroy us. Her armies were great, and we were but a small group of people. When they came up with this plan, I volunteered."

"Why?" Arthur asked quietly.

"It was my duty," Myrddin said. "Do you believe me so far?"

"Yes," Arthur and Guinevere both said.

"Good, because this is going to sound even more insane. My name isn't Merlin. It's Myrddin. Myrddin Pendragon. I was raised by my mother, Queen Guinevere. It's been my mission for the past few years to save my father, and by doing so, save Albion and prevent Morgana from ever coming into power."

Guinevere knelt so that she was eye level with Myrddin, who was still sitting down, and cupped his face with her hands. "How did we not figure this out sooner? Look at him, Arthur! He looks just like you!" She let go of Myrddin's face and stepped back, to let Arthur have a look.

Arthur leaned over and studied Myrddin's face, which was becoming red from embarrassment. "It's true! We have the same face shape, nose and eyes. Though, I don't know where you get those huge ears from."


Arthur ruffled his hair. "And your hair is just like mine too, but you get the color from your mother's side."

"You only know this because of how much you look at yourself in the mirror," Merlin told his father. 

"That... is not true."

Guinevere laughed, and put a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "No, no. He's right."

Myrddin stood up. "Well, now that you know, you also know that I have to go back."

Guinevere smiled. "Yes, we understand." She pulled him into a hug, and Myrddin hugged her back. "Oh, Myrddin. We're going to miss you so much!"

Arthur joined the hug. "We're proud of you, son. Thank you, for everything."

Myrddin just nodded, not trusting himself to say anything. 

The trio pulled apart. "How will you get back?" Guinevere asked.

"I have a spell to take me to the future," Myrddin said. "Will you tell everyone goodbye for me? And tell them who I am?"

"Of course," Arthur assured him.

"Thanks," Merlin said. Then, he stepped back, and began chanting a spell to send him back to his rightful time. He was gone in a flash of light.

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