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Prince Myrddin awoke only to find himself on the ground. He must have fallen off of his bed. Shaking it off, Myrddin walked over to his window, to see the citadel already busy. There was a knock on his door, and Otto, Myrddin's manservant for the past six years, entered Myrddin's chambers. 

"Oh, you're already awake, sire," Otto said.

"Uh, yeah. I fell out of bed, but I'm fine."

"You're parents were hoping that you would join them for a private breakfast this morning," Otto informed him.

"Alright," Myrddin said. "When?"

"In three minutes."

Myrddin quickly got dressed while his manservant tidied his chambers. "Thanks Otto!" He called as he ran out of the room. Mryddin ran through the familiar halls to his parents' chambers, saying "good morning" to every servant he passed. Many of the servants chuckled or shook their head fondly at the boy's antics. It was not unusual to see him sprinting down the halls. He had been doing that since he learned how to walk.

Because he was not paying attention to his surroundings, Mryddin ran right into the Knights of the Round Table, who were on their way to training. More specifically, he ran into Sir Percival, causing him to fall back onto his bottom. Myrddin quickly stood up, rubbing his buttocks. He looked up at the knights sheepishly. "Oh, hello Percival, Leon, Gwaine, Uncle Elyan. How are you this morning?"

The knights chuckled. "Where are you rushing off to, Mer- uh, Myrddin?" Gwaine asked. 

"Mother and Father want me to meet them for breakfast, but Otto didn't wake me up and now I'm gonna be late!"

"I'm sure they'll forgive you," Leon assured Myrddin.

"Yeah, but I better go- oh! I gotta talk to you guys later!"

Elyan tilted his head. "What for, Myrddin?"

"I had a weird dream last night but I'm not completely sure that it was a dream because it felt so real but you were all young and I went back in time and helped to defeat Morgana. Totally crazy right?"

The knights exchanged glances. "Maybe talk to your parents about that," Elyan said. "You better go."

Myrddin scrunched his eyebrows. Maybe it was real? Myrddin shrugged it off. "Okay, see you later! I'm gonna be late!" Myrddin said as he resumed his run. 

Out of breath, Myrddin knocked on his parent's doors and then opened it, not waiting for anyone to answer. 

"Myrddin!" Queen Guinevere, Myrddin's mother, scolded. "Did you run all the way here?"

"Uh, no?"

King Arthur shook his head at his son's antics. "Just sit down," he said. 

As Myrddin sat, he scrunched his eyebrows and then looked up at his parents. "I had an odd dream last night."

"Care to share?" Arthur asked.

"I went back in time?"

Guinevere's eyes filled with tears, while Arthur's widened. 

"You remember?" Guinevere asked. 

Myrddin just nodded, slightly shocked that his dream was true.

Guinevere covered Myrddin's hand with her own. "You saved us," she told him.

"We're proud of you son," Arthur added, repeating the words that he had uttered many years before. 

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