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They reached Ealdor at nightfall. By that time, the spell had already worn off of Arthur. He was beyond furious, but Merlin was able to convince him that it was for the best. Unfortunately, he was still weak from his injury and promptly collapsed the second that they reached Hunith's cottage. Merlin was surprised to see Guinevere there. 

Merlin watched as the two women began tending to Arthur's wounds. Once most of it was done, Gwen told Hunith to go catch up with her "nephew." Hunith was hesitant, but eventually agreed.

Merlin and Hunith went for a walk through the village. "It's good to see you, Myrddin," Hunith said.

Merlin- No. Myrddin instantly relaxed at his name. He had not realized that he was tense. "I'm sorry it's been so long."

"I understand how it is. I worry about you sometimes. The dangers you must face."

"I don't want you to worry."

"I can't help it."

"How's she been?" Myrddin asked, referring to Guinevere.

"As well as can be expected, but a broken heart takes time to mend. You know, she reminds me of you."


"Mhmm. You have similar mannerisms... and the same laugh."

Myrddin and Hunith continued talking for a long time, until their conversation was cut off by screams coming from the edge of the village. Mryddin looked over to see torches surrounding the village. "Agravaine. He's found us. I'm so sorry, Hunith. I thought we were safe."

"Do not worry, Myrddin. We will be alright. Now come, we must get you and Arthur out of here."

The two of them ran back to Hunith's cottage. Guinevere and Arthur were already outside. Arthur had changed into his chain mail and Guinevere was dressed in her furs. They were holding hands. Myrddin decided to address that later. 

"Any suggestions?" Guinevere asked.

"Round the back," Myrddin told her. Myrddin let his parents go first, said a quick goodbye and thank you to Hunith and then set Agravaine's cart on fire. He quickly moved to catch up with Guinevere and Arthur. Unfortunately for them, Agravaine looked up just in time to see them escape.

"After them!" Agravaine shouted.

They ran into the woods with Agravaine and his men not too far behind. They began to approach a cave. "You go ahead, I'll cover our tracks and meet you there," Mryddin said. As his parents went into the cave, Myrddin ran the opposite direction, calling for the Great Dragon. Agravaine's men were almost upon them when Kilgharrah finally showed up. He swept down, close to Agravaine's men, and blew fire, roasting most of them. Agravaine ran away like the coward he was.

Myrddin nodded in thanks to Kilgharrah and made his way back to the cave. "Did you lose them?" Arthur asked.

"It's safe," Mryddin told them.

"You sure?"

"Do I look like an idiot?"

"Yes. Which way now?" Arthur demanded. Myrddin looked around uncertainly. "I thought you said you grew up in these tunnels?"

"I did!" Myrddin defended. But that's in the future and I don't know how much has changed, he thought to himself. "It's just, it could be that way." Mryddin pointed to the tunnel on their right.

"Or it could be that way." Arthur pointed to the tunnel on their left.


"That's very reassuring."

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