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Merlin helped Gaius address the wounded knights. "The lower town is lost," he said. "They'll reach the citadel soon."

"How did this happen?" Gaius asked. "How did they get in without being detected?"

"We knew Agravaine was planning something."

"It seems you worst fears have been realized, Merlin."

Merlin finished tying a bandage around an unconscious knight and then started to leave.

"Merlin!" Gaius called.

"I've got to go find Arthur!"

When Merlin found Arthur, he was running down the corridor, clutching his side. Merlin pulled him around the corner. Arthur grunted in pain. "Been hiding in the broom cupboard as usual, Merlin?"

"I was helping Gaius, thank you very much. But no matter. We need to get out of here!"

They ran through the corridor, Arthur still holding his side. Merlin noticed that Arthur was more out of breath than he should have been. "Are you alright?" They stopped and Arthur leaned against a column.

"I'm fine," Arthur said. "Maybe a broken rib or two." Arthur looked around the corner to see Morgana, Helios and.... "Agravaine." Arthur growled and got ready to attack, but Merlin held him back.

"There's no use, Arthur! There are too many of them! We'll deal with your uncle later, all right?"

Arthur nodded and Merlin led him to the inner chambers. Gaius immediately rushed over and began tending to his ribs. "I can bind the rib cage," Gaius said, "but even that would risk puncturing your lungs."

"Whatever it takes, Gaius. As long as I can swing a sword."

Suddenly, Gwaine and Percival ran in and barred the doors, panting. "The citadel is overrun," Percival said as they walked over to them. "We can't hold out much longer."

"How long?" Gaius asked.


"We can't wait for Arthur," Merlin said. "If they find him, they'll kill him." And then what would happen to me? He added mentally.

"We must get him to safety while there's still time," said Percival.

"Arthur would never abandon his people," Gwaine interjected. "He'd rather die."

"Barricade the doors," Merlin ordered, his inner prince making itself known. "Give us as much time as you can."

Once Gwaine and Percival left to do so, Gaius turned to Merlin. "They are right. Arthur would never go willingly. Perhaps if he was to lose his will?" Gaius said quietly.

"Are you suggesting magic?" Merlin asked, matching Gaius' pitch. Gaius only nodded. "Alright." Merlin moved to stand behind Arthur and Gaius stepped in front of him.

"I'm sorry, sire," Gaius apologized. "This is going to hurt."

"Just get on with it," Arthur said through gritted teeth.

Gaius pressed his hand against Arthur's ribs, causing him to howl in pain. At the same time, Merlin muttered a spell, causing Arthur to lose his will. Arthur's expression shifted from a painful one to a blank one. 

"We need to leave now, sire," Merlin said, grabbing Arthur's arm.

"Of course," Arthur said.

Gwaine and Percival rejoined the group. "Ready? Let's go." Percival slung Arthur's arm around his neck and they made their way to the door. "We'll use the postern gate."

"I'll keep them off your back as long as I can," Gwaine told them. 

Merlin tried to convince Gaius to accompany him, but it was no use. Gaius insisted that they go and that he would only slow them down. They left the room just before Morgana burst in.

On the way out of Camelot, they met up with Elyan, who told them that the way was clear. The four men did not stop running until they reached the safety of the woods. "They'll come after us," Percival said. "They know Arthur is alive."

"Then we'll have to make it across the boarder and find sanctuary," Elyan said.

"I know a place," Merlin told them. "Ealdor. It's beyond the White Mountain." He paused. "Listen."

They heard hoof beats slowly getting closer. "Run!" Percival hissed.

Suddenly, they were all thrown forward, likely by Morgana's spell. Merlin and ELyan helped Arthur to his feet and continued running. "Where's Percival?" Merlin asked, out of breath and still running.

Elyan shook his head. "We have to go!" They stopped in front of a rock trench. Elyan handed Merlin his sword. "Go! Don't worry about me!"

Merlin and Arthur continued to run until nightfall.They found an abandoned hut at the edge of a village. It was extremely dusty and there were no signs of life. Merlin set some protection charms around the house and then they retired for the night.

 The next morning, as they were getting ready to continue on their journey, a thought struck Merlin. "We need to find you a disguise. You're too conspicuous in those clothes."

Arthur looked down at his armor. "Well, whatever you say. I'm entirely in your hands."

Merlin just stared. Arthur stared back. They stayed that way for a few moments until Merlin shook it off. Merlin grabbed some clothes and threw it at Arthur. "Put them on."

While Arthur changed, Merlin sat down. Ealdor was very close. He hoped that Hunith would allow them to stay for a few days, just until Arthur was healed. When Merlin had first arrived in the past, it was right in front of Hunith. He had no choice but to explain where he was from. She took him in for the first few weeks and helped him to acclimate. She even gave him a note to give to Gaius so that he would have some place to stay. Gaius believed that Merlin was Hunith's nephew, and that she raised him since he was a child. Hunith was also the one who gave Merlin the name Merlin. 

"All done," Arthur said, snapping Merlin out of his thoughts. Arthur stepped out into the open, allowing Merlin to see his outfit. 

Merlin laughed. The sleeves barely reached past his elbows, the shirt exposed his midriff, and the pants went to just below his knees. The too-small vest tied the whole look together, making Arthur look like an idiot. "Well, Arthur, what can I say? You look like a total turnip-head."

"Should I try something e-"

"No, no. It's just fine! But, uh, maybe I'll just take that." Merlin confiscated Arthur's money pouch.

"My goooold!" Arthur complained.

"Probably safer with me."

"Of course."

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