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Merlin had worked for King Arthur for four years now. He still remembered that first day when he was only fifteen and unknowingly called the then-Prince a prat. Merlin never took back those words. They were true after all. 

He did feel a tad bit stupid for not recognizing him, after all the descriptions that were given to him as a child. But it was not Merlin's fault, because he had never met the guy. Personality-wise, he was nothing like how his mother and uncles described him. 

That first day that he met his Arthur was the same day that he met Guinevere. Or rather, Guinevere met him. "I saw what you did," she had told him. "It was so brave."

"It was stupid," he replied from the stocks. 

"Well, I'm glad you walked away. You weren't  going to beat him."

"Oh, I could beat him." To be honest, Merlin probably could. But his mother had told him many times that magic was illegal in Camelot, and would get him killed. He promised her that he would come home to her, so he restrained himself.

"You think?" Guinevere had asked, with a tilt of her head. "Because you don't look like one of these big muscly kind of fellows."

Merlin scrunched his eyebrows. "Thanks."

Guinevere's eyes widened. "No! No, I'm sure you're stronger than you look! It's just, um, Arthur's one of those rough, tough, save the world kind of men. And well..."


"You don't look like that."

Merlin almost laughed, because the very reason he was there was to save the world. Instead, he pretended to look around and motioned for her to come closed. "I'm in disguise."

This earned a laugh from Guinevere. "Well, it's great you stood up to him. Arthur's a bully, and everyone thought you were a real hero."

This caught Merlin by suprise. The strong, chivalrous man he grew up hearing about was a bully? "Really?"


Their conversation was interrupted by a bunch of children with baskets of rotten vegetables. 

Merlin was not sure exactly when he started referring to himself as Merlin. It was sometime between the second and third year, after being called that every day. But he never forgot who he was. He was Myrddin Pendragon, and he was on a long-term quest to save Albion.

Another big surprise upon his arrival to the past was meeting the Lady Morgana. He never believed his mother when she told him that Morgana used to be sweet and gentle. He was not surprised, however, when her bitterness took a hold of her and led her down a dark path.

"What's taking so long?" Arthur demanded, interrupting Merlin's thoughts.

Merlin looked up from the belt that he was making a hole in. "It's the Feast of Beltane. The king must look kingly."

"I'm hardly going to look kingly in my undergarments, am I?"

"Have a little patience. Think of something pleasant."

"You in the stocks?" 

Merlin chuckled to himself, because that was precisely what he was thinking of just mere seconds ago. "Wait one second..."

"One." Arthur stepped out from behind the screen in his chain mail, pantsless. "What've you got there?"

Merlin quickly hid the belt behind his back. "Nothing. My hand," he showed Arthur his right hand and then hid it behind his back. "My other hand," he showed Arthur his left hand and then also hid it behind his back.

Arthur walked over, turned Merlin around and took the belt out of his hands. "Why are you putting another hole in this belt?"

Merlin smiled guiltily. "I was... enhancing it for comfort and ease of use."

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

"No! I'm saying the belt is... er, one hole shy of perfection!"

Arthur jerkily pulled the belt around his waist, but it was no use. The belt refused to close. With a sigh, he handed it back to Merlin. "Alright. Do what you have to do. Not a word to anyone about this, understand?"

"Trust me, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's keeping secrets." Merlin resumed his task. 


Later that night, as Merlin finished preparing Arthur's bed for the night, he saw Arthur gazing out the window. Merlin walked over to see Percival talking to a lovely lady. "You alright?" Merlin asked.

"No one like being called fat, Merlin."

Merlin rolled his eyes, knowing full well that that was not the reason for Arthur's moping.  "It's Gwen, isn't it?"

Arthur, who was now sitting at his desk, hung his head.

"You know, I found something in the cell that she was kept in..." Merlin knew he should not say anything, but he really need his parents to get back together.

Arthur looked up, intrigued.

"A bracelet. It was broken and thrown on the ground. I had never seen it before, so I had Gaius check it out."

"And you're telling me this... why?"

"It was enchanted, Arthur."

Arthur stood up, enraged. "Lancelot enchanted it?"

Merlin shook his head. "It wasn't Lancelot. It was a wraith. He was doing Morgana's bidding."

Arthur's whole body seemed to relax. Guinevere did not betray him, and neither had Lancelot, one of his best knights and greatest friends. Then he stiffened. "I have to apologize to Guinevere!"

Before Merlin could say anything, the warning bell sounded.  Gwaine ran into the chambers, Percival close behind. "Sire! We're under attack! They're within the city walls!"

"Merlin," Arthur said urgently. "Get everyone into the inner chamber. Gwaine! Secure the armory. Percival! With me!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin. I used some dialogue from Season 4, Episode 12.

I hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know!

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