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5 days after separating

You finally decided to call?

Even though Jongho said that in a playful way, Yunho couldn't help but to feel bad.

"Sorry, we were much busier than we thought it would be."

What do you have to do? Those people didn't mistreat you guys, did they?

"Of course not!" Yunho looked at his beautiful room and shook his  head. "We've been training. Well, Wooyoung and I, anyway. San was given a  job, and he'll get paid soon." After the government forgives us for property damage, he  almost said. But he held his tongue before he could ruin the good mood  the brothers were in. "Yeosang made a lot of new friends by researching  with the scientists and solving cases with the detectives, and me and  Wooyoung just practice."

How? Is it helping?

Yunho struggled to think of something. "You wouldn't understand what I'm saying. Even I can't fully grasp the concept."

It was true. All he understood was the fact  that virtual reality was implemented in the empty room/Dr. Yeon's  office, and helpers would bring specially designed objects for him to  move around. He knew they had to be special because the objects  interacted with things in the virtual reality.

Yunho shook his head again. It still boggled  his mind. "All you have to know is that I am more comfortable doing  this now that I know I can't hurt anybody."

That...sounds great.

Yunho wasn't sure what to get from the lack of enthusiasm in his  brother's voice, but he kept the conversation going. "Considering the  situation, it is. What about you? Are you doing good?"

There was a moment of silence before the answer came.

It's as good as it can get, you know? A heavy sigh came from the other end. No one has come to get us yet, but we're still very careful. We only go out to work, or to buy food.

Yunho felt his gut twist into an ugly knot of guilt. He sank deeper into his mattress.

Seonghwa hyung has been quieter than usual, and Hongjoong hyung  stays in his room most of the time. Mingi hyung gets frustrated  easily...he almost pulled his hair out once.

Yunho heard Jongho chuckle lightly, which put a grin on his face. But  the moment didn't last long, and the knot was still there, tugging at  Yunho's stomach.

"I'm sorry...I promise we will come back as soon as possible. It's  still too early now, but we'll find a way to make a deal with the people  in charge here."

Really? There was honest, genuine relief in Jongho's voice.

The knot loosened a little, only to tighten again when a deafening shout split Yunho's ear open.

That's a lie! Jongho, don't tell me you actually believe him!

Yunho recoiled instinctively to put some space between his ear and  the receiver. The guilt in the pit of his stomach morphed into a mixture  of dread, disbelief, and irritation. He recognized that voice to be  Mingi's, and what he heard was a clear indication that he was placed on  speaker without knowing beforehand.

For a short moment Yunho could only hear muffled noises.

I'm sorry about that.

Yunho tightened the grip on his phone subconsciously as he brought it  near to his ear again. "I was on speaker?" He tried to intone it as a  question, but it likely came out sounding more like a statement.

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