D - Day (3)

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"Wait! Where are you going?!" Yeosang shouted at Yunho, who was already running away towards something only he saw.

Wooyoung moaned, his head still throbbing from the after effects. "Someone...someone me-messed with my brain."

"What? Bu-but it doesn't make sense!" San helped Wooyoung sit up so he could lean against a container. "Where's Yunho?"

Yeosang stuttered, unsure of how to explain the situation they were  in. But his words would be unnecessary anyway. Just like a shooting  star, it came and end quickly, as if it never happened.

Yunho  sailed across the sky, used telekinesis on himself to resist the force  of gravity as he was about to land, and since his momentum was too great  - eventually dropped with a thud.

San looked like he saw a ghost. "W-What happened?"

Yunho pushed himself off the ground. There was dust on his haggard  face, and his clothes were creased. "It's them." He paused to catch his  breath. "I didn't see their faces clearly, but I'm sure it's them."

"Who?" Yeosang looked around him subconsciously, his body feeling heavy with dread.

Yunho turned to Wooyoung. "Hongjoong did that to you. Only he can."

"That's impossible. We can't use our powers on people of our kind,"  said Wooyoung as he stood up. His body still felt like jelly, but  standing on two feet tricked his heart into a sense of security.

Yunho had nothing to say to that. "And there's only one person who can make me fly."

Yeosang shook his head, his voice getting increasingly louder, "You  said you didn't see their faces. We don't know even know if we're the  only-"

"LOOK OUT!" Wooyoung grabbed San and they disappeared, seconds before a large barrel crashed onto them.

Yunho retraced the trajectory of the barrel and found a person  standing on a container. He was wearing a white shirt with an explosion  of dark pixels at the bottom - maybe blue, maybe purple. It was too dark  and far away to see a face, but that height, body shape, and posture  was unmistakable. It had to be Mingi. He gritted his teeth and turned  around. "Wooyoung, bring San and Yeosang somewhere safe."


"Just do it!"

Wooyoung was struck with indecision. He was used to listening to  Yunho since he was the oldest among the four, but that didn't mean he  would follow orders blindly. If Hongjoong was here with the rest of the  team, then taking San and Yeosang away would mean a 2 vs 4 fight.

"What do you want?!" Yunho had more  questions, but he was too angry to keep talking. He couldn't believe it —  after all the talk about the government being dangerous and about  Seonghwa's vision, it was their own teammates who started the fight.

Yeosang's hands were clasped over his mouth.  He stared at the figure looming over them a few meters above and didn't  dare blink.

Mingi - Yunho assumed - jumped off and landed gracefully on two feet. Yunho widened his eyes when he started to approach them.

He called again for Wooyoung to save San and Yeosang as he pointed the palm of his hand to the barrel beside him.

Wooyoung and San flinched as the barrel hit  Mingi in the stomach, forcing his body to bend in half on impact before  he fell to the ground.

"Come on!" Yunho's cry pulled his three  shocked teammates back to their senses. They ran until they couldn't.  Until it was physically impossible to. All four them collapsed into a  coughing fit, heaving, mouths wide open, sucking for air.

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