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Mingi and Hongjoong looked around, but they couldn't find the woman with the blue highlights in her hair. She must've had the powers to control the ground to some extent, which made her responsible for the big crack in the ground.

The ground wasn't shaking anymore, but that wasn't enough to provide any sort of relief or security. She could be hiding somewhere, waiting for another chance to attack.

Wooyoung joined them again after checking on San and Yeosang, who were hiding safely behind a metal container far away from this mess. Things were finally looking a bit calmer, but no one dared let down their guards.

Their opponents were only unconscious, not dead. And what about back up? The government definitely had more people than the ones that have already been taken down.

They had to put a proper end to this, make sure there were no more misunderstandings, before they could leave this all behind.

"Let's help Jongho first," said Hongjoong.

Mingi nodded and was about to run to Jongho when he saw a familiar face. "San?"

"What are you doing here?!" Wooyoung went up to San and held his arms. He realized that his angry tone must've scared San, so he softened his eyes. "You should go back to Yeosang, it's not safe yet."

"He's righ-"

A deep, reverberating crack interrupted Hongjoong. The floor jerked abruptly.

Wooyoung could only stare wide-eyed as San slipped out of his grasp and fell down a hole that appeared out of nowhere. He heard a scream, but he wasn't sure if it came from San, or from him.

Wooyoung dropped onto the floor. His chest ached from the impact as he reached down with an arm and grip blindly. A sigh escaped his mouth when he felt his fingers wrap around a skinny wrist.

"I'll pull you up!" Wooyoung tried his best to sound reassuring, but his voice still trembled from fear and exertion. San wasn't heavy, but Wooyoung wasn't strong. And his free hand that supported him on the ledge was starting to shake.

Mingi edged carefully towards Wooyoung, aware of the cracks spreading underneath Wooyoung's body like spiderwebs.

Jongo ran over to help, leaving the teenage boy behind. Hongjoong didn't let Jongho get close to Wooyoung or Mingi.

"Hold on!" Wooyoung shouted when he felt his sweaty palm starting to lose grip on San's wrist.

San squeezed Wooyoung's wrist but didn't say anything. It was too dark to see his face.

After what seemed like ages, Mingi knelt down and grabbed Wooyoung by the shoulders. He pulled, slowly first, but increased his speed and force when he heard more unsettling cracks.

"Don't go too fast!" cried Wooyoung. Mingi was practically pulling him away from San.

"I have to! It's going to-" Mingi didn't bother finishing the sentence. He stood up, bringing Wooyoung with him, just as he felt the ground give way beneath him.

Wooyoung thrashed in Mingi's arms, screaming for San. He could still feel San's wrist in his empty hands. Mingi bit his lip, ignoring Wooyoung's punches and scratches.

Hongjoong put one hand over his mouth. He looked away from Wooyoung and the dark void.

Jongho could hear his heart pumping in his ears. He was close enough to the edge that he could actually see the darkness that stretched endlessly down below. He shut his eyes and fought to keep his heart steady. Then he gathered the air inside the hole.

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