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Yunho, Wooyoung, and San took only a few steps when they were stopped in their tracks again by a series of shouts and curses.

When they turned around they saw Yeosang standing far away, watching Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho fight their clones.

Acting purely on reflex and instincts, Yunho ran over to the group and looked for things that are light enough to be lifted with his telekinetic mind but heavy enough to deal damage to humans. It was when he raised his arm to control a nearby barrel when he realized he had no idea who he should be attacking.

He lost track of who belongs to which group - the ones who came first, or the ones who appeared later - and looking at clones confused his mind so much his body stopped completely.


Yunho snapped out of his thoughts just in time to see one of the Mingis rush towards him with a fist held high in the air. He watched Mingi land the punch, but before he felt the impact someone grabbed his sides and after a whoosh of air he was far away from the fight.

Wooyoung was the person who gave Yunho the heads up, and now he was staring at Yunho like he was crazy.

Instead of listening to what Wooyoung had to say, Yunho was lost in his own thoughts again. He looked at the people fighting and realized that one side must be the one at fault. One was fake. The other was real, but they did things that made Yunho lose all hope for them.

In the end, it didn't matter which side Yunho took.

Yunho ran towards the fight again, and this time he was ready. The barrel hit one of the Hongjoongs. His interference disrupted the balance between the doppelgangers who had the same powers, so now one team was winning. He didn't know which, but they seemed to know.

"Stop! You're fighting for the wrong side!" Jongho no.1 or 2 shouted, but Yunho didn't listen. He kept fighting whoever got close to him. At one point Wooyoung joined him too, but it was only to stop anyone from getting severely injured.

Yunho tried his best to avoid both Jonghos, but one of them - or both of them - kept sending attacks, slamming him onto the containers or suffocating him. His whole body was aching, but his hands and mind never stopped moving.

Someone had to win in order for all this to stop.

A muffled scream caught Yunho's attention. He spun his head and found San, trapped under Seonghwa's grip. He couldn't believe that Seonghwa would be the person to do this, but it wasn't the time to think about these things.

Seonghwa pulled out a knife from nowhere and held it against San's throat.

"Will you listen to me now?" Seonghwa's voice was just like Yunho knew it to be, but would the real Seonghwa ever talk like this? Yunho shook his head. Maybe he just didn't know Seonghwa well enough.

"I've listened enough. Unless you suddenly change your mind and say that you believe me, save your breath for something else." Yunho didn't want a second longer. He flicked his wrists and the knife flew off Seonghwa's grip. San broke away, leaving Yunho and Seonghwa in an awkward staring contest.

Yunho tried to look into Seonghwa's soft eyes, but all he could see was...well, his reliable hyung.

"You're the one who doesn't believe yourself!" said Seonghwa. But Yunho didn't see his mouth move. He turned around and found the other Seonghwa.

He was on the ground, wheezing, probably under the effect of Jongho's powers. His voice was drowned among the shouts and cries, but Yunho heard it clearly, as if the sound was carried straight into his ears.

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