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Jongho watched with widened eyes as his brother jumped in front of  him and pushed him away. The next thing he knew he was on the ground,  staring at the blood, too shocked to say anything.

Mingi sprang to action when he saw Jongho's shaken state. He flailed  his limbs everywhere, putting the most power he could into them. The  ground was still shaking. The siren came back. Somewhere around him more  flaming objects were probably going straight for him. The invisible man  still had the knife. But Mingi didn't care. His fingers grazed what  felt like a piece of cloth and they curled in to take hold, but there  was blood on his fingers and the cloth slipped away.

In a fit of rage Hongjoong managed to confuse the pyrokinetic woman  enough for her to keep missing her shots. At least the most dangerous  enemy was made less threatening.

Wooyoung held Yunho carefully, supporting his neck and spine with his  arms. Yunho's lips were trembling, but his mutters were swallowed by  the chaos surrounding him, the instant they left his mouth. One of his  hands - covered in fresh blood - was covering his wound on his lower  right abdomen, but the other was lying limply on the ground on his left  side, fingers twitching weakly.

Wooyoung's heart raced at the sight of Yunho's pale face. "It's okay,  Yunho. You'll be okay. I'm bringing you to the hospital." Wooyoung  hated himself for sounding so uncertain and scared and panicked. But  he couldn't help it, because that was exactly how he felt. Cold sweat  covered every inch of his exposed skin as he realized how unlikely he  would be able to teleport to the desired destination in the state he was  in. The high frequency noise that droned on and on didn't help at all.

Yeosang slapped and shook and shouted at Jongho to bring him back to  reality. Jongho's eyes were hollow, looking through things without  actually putting the information into his head. Shut down was the window  connecting his soul to the outside world. He heard Yeosang's shouts as  if he was underwater because of the ringing in his ears, and somehow he  knew the sound wasn't coming from the siren.

Hongjoong was starting to get light-headed from all the  mind-controlling. The bitterness from not being able to do more made him  avert his gaze whenever his eyes landed on one of the members.

The knife wound on Mingi's arm stopped bleeding, but it was still  throbbed along with every beat of his heart, and the fury and dread that  filled his blood only added to the pain.

"Where's San?" Wooyoung just returned from bringing Yunho to the  hospital. His voice, so fragile from fear that it might break, was the  thing that broke Jongho out of his trance. He wasn't going to let a  friend's fate end up like his. "They took San!"

Jongho followed Wooyoung's line of sight and found San, clawing at a  strong arm wrapped around his neck. He flinched and froze when the man  pointed a gun at his head.

The world seemed to stop just then. The ground stopped shaking, the  man finally closed his mouth and put an end to the horrible noise, and  the red-haired woman wasn't setting things on fire anymore.

"San!" Wooyoung's vehement cry pierced through the silence.

Hongjoong saw Wooyoung's clenched fists and his calculating gaze on  the sea of flaming debris that stood between him and San. His head  throbbed when he realized what Wooyoung was about to do. Hongjoong was  halfway between running towards Wooyoung and shouting at him to not  teleport away when an invisible force hit Wooyoung and he stumbled and  fell backwards.

"No one's bringing you to the hospital if anything happens to you."

Puzzled, Wooyoung looked over his shoulder and saw Jongho staring back at him.

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