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Mingi widened his eyes at the weapon in the stranger's gloved hand.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the perpetrator lunged at  Hongjoong with his knife raised. Mingi could easily overpower the man,  but having been caught off guard, his reflexes kicked in a moment too  late.

Mingi heard a groan as Hongjoong fell to the ground, but the surge of  adrenaline pushed him away from his friend and towards the attacker  instead. He landed a hard punch on the masked face - acting purely on  instincts - and dodged the knife coming right at his guts.

The man landed back first on the floor and moaned, but he got up  quicker than Mingi expected and rushed in blindly for another attack.

This time Mingi was prepared and it was almost as if he could sense  every movement the enemy was going to make. The man raised his leg to  kick Mingi's shins, using it as a distraction as he aimed the knife at  the Mingi's throat. Without looking, Mingi used his feet to intercept  the kick as his eyes focused on the weapon and his right hand seized the  man's wrist, twisting it with so much force the knife flew off the hand  and fell to the ground a few feet away.

Mingi ignored the man's screams and twisted his arm and body to pin  it onto his back. Mingi had nothing to restrain the perpetrator's hands,  so he secured them with one of his hands and gripped hard with his  fingers. The man struggled and whimpered in pain, but he was no match  for Mingi's superhuman strength.

"Are you ok? Where are you hurt?" Mingi turned around to check on  Hongjoong. He wasn't sweating at all, but his heart raced a million  miles per hour - not from exertion from the short fight, but because of  slight panic that his leader was wounded, and dismay from not being able  to protect the other.

Hongjoong sat up and winced. "I'm ok. It's a deep cut, but nothing  lethal." He pressed his good hand on the wounded arm. Blood was seeping  through the fingers, staining his skin and dripping onto the green  grass.

Mingi stifled a gasp and subconsciously tightened his grip on the  stranger's hands. He wasn't afraid of blood, but he had never seen so  much coming out from one wound, and the sight of it unsettled him.

"It's bleeding, a lot," said Mingi, a bit unhelpfully.

"I can walk back. Seonghwa could help me take care of this. He's a  certified first-aider." Hongjoong began to stand up, but it was a  difficult task without his hands, so Mingi used his free hand to pull  Hongjoong up by his good arm.

"Yea, you should go quick." Mingi eyed the stranger behind him. "I', bring him back?"

Hongjoong hardened his gaze. "Yes, we have a few questions to ask him."


Back in the house, Seonghwa - who just came back from the grocery  store when Hongjoong rushed in with blood dripping all over the place -  immediately freed up his hands and found the first aid kit to help  Hongjoong.

Jongho walked out his room just in time to see Mingi dragging a half  conscious man through the front door. He rushed to help, wanting to ask  questions but felt awkward from their quarrel in the morning.

Once the perpetrator was tied up tightly in a chair and everyone was  reasonably calmed down, Mingi relayed what happened from start to  finish, only leaving out the parts where he talked about Yunho.

Hongjoong could tell from everyone's jittery movements that no one  was comfortable with a stranger sitting at the same table as them, so he  began the interrogation and hoped that it would end quickly with the  help of his mind-reading skills.

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