17: Love Confession Or Lover's Quarrel

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Aizawa was in the teacher's lounge assorting assignments when he noticed the annoying stares from the blond across from him.

"Do you need something, Yamada?" he glared.

Yamada had that goofy grin he made when he was nervous but trying to hide it. "Nothing! I was just wondering! Did you and (Last Name) get into a fight or something??"

Aizawa rose an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"I dunno. It just feels like that," he shrugged, spinning in his chair.

"Like a lover's quarrel!" Miss Kayama helpfully pitched in from the back.

Aizawa nearly choked.

"Now that you mention it, it does have that sorta vibe!" Yamada snapped his fingers. "Or something like a love confession gone wrong!"

At what Kayama and Yamada burst into laughter over, Aizawa had a chill run up his spine. It was scarily accurate he couldn't even pretend to find it funny, instead acting as impassive as possible.

"No, nothing of the sort you dirty minded weirdos are imagining," Aizawa said in a lecturing tone, crossing his arms. He wasn't one to tell lies to other adults, but he had to deny it for her sake.

He added to it casually. "It's not like she has the time to bother me all the time. (Last Name) is a senior. Personally, I think it's good she's focusing on her career a little more. What happened during Summer must've stuck with her." Half of those were lies, the other half were guesses.

"Now that you mention it, I have seen an increase of upperclassmen studying," noted Yamada. "I wouldn't know 100% because I've been banned from all school libraries, but the staff say there's more participation in the libraries in the morning and afternoon!"

"Oh, to be young!" Kayama sighed dreamily. "That reminds me, their hero license exam is soon! Got any bets?"

"We're not betting which students will pass or fail," the scruffy haired man scolded.

"Not all of us can make money simply teaching a class," Kayama huffed.

Aizawa would've assumed being a borderline stripper for TV would come with more benefits, but he bit his tongue and stoicly stuck to his current focus. Such a hostile retort did come as a slight surprise to even him, but he payed it no mind. He must've just been on edge, and didn't mean her any harm. That would be hypocrital considering everything.

Someone walked into the room. "Come on, you can't blame him after why just happened to his class. Everyone's a little on edge, but the important things is that we've taken measures to protect our students and ensure nothing like that happens again."

"Oh, heyo, Toshinori!" Yamada pointed at him enthusiastically, and Toshinori bashfully rubbed the back of his neck.

They talked casually, mostly staying on task with school related things, their duties as teachers.

It'd been about a month since that confession from (Name). He'd done his best to not dwell on it, but the reminder that a student said she loved him was always slapped in his face when he'd catch a glimpse of her in the hallway before either he turned heel or she ran away. It was a truly comfortable situation because of how much he despised it.

Then again, maybe it was to the best? Who knew, if he kept it up, maybe they'd never talk to each other again and this young girl with a promising future could move on with her life.

Honestly it'd be really funny if this story just ended right here.

Aizawa exhaled to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. The right thing to do was hard to determine, and he needed to resolve it himself. It was between them. Leaving things the way they were would be irresponsible of him and setting a bad example for her to follow. In truth, he did want to see her very badly. He refused to recognize that truth though.

The Onyx Desire Of An Onyx Heart [Aizawa x Student! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now