Chapter 2

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It's been a week since my first day at this school. I felt more comfortable coming to school by the day, and I was often excited to hang out with Magnus, Mahdi and Jonas. We were sitting in the cafeteria in lunch break, talking about plans for the weekend when Vilde and her gang came to us. "Hey guys!" Vilde said, smiling as usual. "Hey Isak" Chris said biting her lip. I just looked away, kind of uncomfortable. Then Eva started talking, "We're having a little party at my house on Friday. Do you guys want to come? It starts at 7pm." Magnus stood up all excited. "Yes! We'd love to come. We'll be there!" Jonas pulled Magnus down again. "Great!, I'll text you the address Jonas." Eva said smirking.

 When they had left we all looked at Jonas. "So...You have a thing with Eva?" Mahdi said raising his eyebrows up and down. Jonas blushed. "No, we-we're just friends.." I could see that Jonas was lying, but if he didn't want to say it yet, I should give him time to figure it out. The boys started talking about what girls they want to hook up with. I wasn't really interested, well because I'm not really attracted to girls. I just wasn't 100% sure yet, and I wanted to be before coming out. "What about you?" Magnus asked looking at me. "Uhh, I haven't really been here long enough for a girl to catch my eye." I said nervously. The boys nodded. "What's the time?" Mahdi asked. "It's 11:47."  Jonas answered. "Guys! We're late for biology!" Magnus jumped up and started packing his stuff, Mahdi and Jonas did the same. "I have Math at 12:30. So good luck in biology guys." "You should have chosen the other timetable!" Mahdi yelled, running with Jonas and Magnus to the biology lab. 

I sat there, playing games on my phone to make time go quicker. "Hey." I heard a deep voice saying. I flinched and looked up. There was a guy. His dark blonde hair was kind of messy, but pushed back at the same time. He looked cool. He looked really cool. His blue eyes were wide open. Oh, and he was so. freaking. tall. "Uh hey" I let out nervously. "Are you new here?" he asked while pulling a chair out and taking a seat. "Yeah, I started last Wednesday. So it's been a full week." I said with a weak smile. He smiled back and asked, "What grade are you in?" "I'm a first year, and you?" "Ah, I'm a second year." "Cool. I didn't see you last week." I said like an idiot. Maybe he had issues and he couldn't make it to school? Maybe he didn't want to talk about it? I can't even manage to keep a conversation going without blurting out something insensitive. He saw the embarrassment on my face and laughed. "I'm Even by the way." he said. "I'm Isak." I looked at the time; 12:27. "I'm sorry-" I was interrupted by a girl. "Hey Even, who is this?" she asked not looking to impressed. "Hi Sonja. This is Isak, he's new here so I was just welcoming him." Even said, and she smiled. "Isak, this is Sonja. My girlfriend." I felt disappointed. I don't know why, I just met this guy, but I was still disappointed when I heard he had a girlfriend. She looked me up and down smiling sarcastically, then looked at Even. "We're going to be late for class" she said with a serious tone. "Sonja, it's ok, you don't have to be so ru-" I didn't want them to fight in front of me so I blurted out, "It's ok! I'm late for math class anyway". I grabbed my phone and bag and got out of there as quickly as I could. I heard them arguing on my way to math.


After school, I got on the bus. I got a text, so I just sat down on the closest seat to answer. 

How was I going to fix some beers? We were only 16, no way anyone was going to believe me if I said I was 18+

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How was I going to fix some beers? We were only 16, no way anyone was going to believe me if I said I was 18+. "Hey.." I recognised the voice. I looked away from my phone, and it was Even. I was so distracted by texting that I had sat right next to him, taking up all his personal space. He had the window seat, and I was sitting to the side, so my legs were in the bus aisle. I hadn't noticed I had sat there. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice. I was texting and I- I'll move." I said awkwardly. He looked at me and laughed a little. I stood up when he grabbed my arm. "If the bus driver sees you standing he'll kick you out of the bus." I sat back down, kind of intimidated. He looked out the window. "So, you're going home?" he looked at me, smiling because I had made conversation. "Yeah" he said, "what about you?" "I'm going to go find a way to fix some beers for a party on Friday." "You don't have a fake ID?" he asked. "No. Do you?" He laughed for a little while. "I don't need a fake ID when I have a real one." "But you're a second-year? You're 17." My face turned red. Again, I said something insensitive. What if he had to do the year again? Ugh, I'm so dumb. He noticed the color of my face; completely red. "It's ok." he shook his head, "I took a year off basically. I started second grade this year. Back in August, like everyone else." I smiled and nodded. "It's kind of hard starting a month late. Everyone has already made their gangs." I said laughing. He laughed too. "Why did you come a month late?" he asked. "My mom moves a lot for her job.." It went silent for a moment. Then I got a great idea. "Hey, could you maybe buy me some beers tomorrow?". He looked impressed. "Yeah sure." the bus stopped and he stood up to go out. "Meet me at the bus stop beside school at 4pm tomorrow. We'll go beer shopping then." he said while getting out of the bus. I nodded. I was excited to go beer shopping with Even. 

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