💞17: surprise😯

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Picture of Jordan 👆

*Mae's POV*

Yeah , I sat at the beach crying my eyes out , she gave me comfort , she has always been there whenever I needed her  , after the swim I told her everything from my conversation with Walter to the present situation , and she talked the shit outta me , yeah from facing my fears to starting a new life in Italy.

We went to the mall, Starbucks and KFC because Mel would miss me🤗 .

" Melody...." .. I turned to see some beautifully molded living Italian , specimen.

Bravo girl , what a nice way to start been confident . My inner self said .

Before I could say Jack Robinson she was already hugging the green eyed boy . Like really? Really this girl is cracked.

" Hey , this is Jordan the Mr. Cutie I saw at church , the other time , and yes this is my servant Mary but if you like your head call her Mae".  On saying the servant part she hid at his back , this girl is humor on her own , nothing she does seems not  to amuse me .

" Hey I'm Mary Larson , her best friend"  pointing towards his back " not her slave " .

" Nice to meet you" the Italian green eyes specimen said  "and this is my brother Jerome" when he spoke it confirmed that he was Italian , yeah now I know Italians are not as bad as I thought . Yeah the other specimen named Jerome stretched out his hand , and I took it , but I hesitated. The reason was that he was on his phone the whole time , who thought he saw me ?

We went to eat , we bought buggers, nuggets, ice cream , and cake .

" Hahahahah..." Mel , Jerome and Jordan were laughing  but I din't know why  , so I adjusted to see them facing my direction .

" What?" .

" Nothing , just complimenting your moustache 🤣" Jerome said  in between laugh.

" Ha hahaha 😃 thanks for the compliment " I said sacarstically, Jerome took a wipe to help me with my Ice cream moustache.

" I doubt if you would want to do that " Mel stated .

" Why not?" . He asked on coming close I wiped quickly .

" What !!! I would have done that for you, girl i'm just being a gentle man here jeez".

I and mel rolled our eyes , saying 'you should be happy you didn't' . We got to know each other more , and yes we were a year older than Jerome, while Jordan was two years older than us.

This was the first time I've ever seen Mel sincerely happy about a guy .

We parted to our various wings , not forgetting to exchange our numbers, don't forget Mel is with me she's the extrovert while I'm her opposite.

On our way back home I just kept on stractegizing ways to make my new life go my way .


"I knew that girl was a bad influence on you, now you want her to go with you , you must be outta your mind " . Mom said while I sat on the kitchen island . Yeah it suprising that they are still around. Or were they bank rupted or something? . I wish , but I doubt that if not they would not want me at Italy . If only they knew my plans🙃.

" Thats the least you can do to help". With that I walked out.

"Mary come back here".... I heard but pretended not to have heard. I needed to tell her the plan .

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