💞 Epilogue👰

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 * Two week later*    

  *Mel's POV*

"What do you think of my bump?"

"I think it's cute, plus you will draw attention to us" Jordan pecked me on my cheek before going to check on Alex.

Today is the day when I become a bumped tagged maid of honor , Jordan has been very supportive, we decided not to go back to Paris ,since Mae decided on getting married *now when I have bump, what I do for Mary*😍


We all travel through the aye of St Louis Catholic Church. I being the bride of honor, while Jordan was the best man to Jayden , people of all works of life came to grace the event , even those from as far as Paris, Kenya , Zimbabwe,  if I keep on counting I might end up falling to my death .😂

"Mr. Jayden Norbert Kings would you take Mary Grace Larson to be your lawful wedded wife in tough and in thick?".  He hesitated and started searching through the crowd, now we were all panicking.

"What the hell is wrong with him?"
"What does he think he's doing"
"Please don't do anything stupid"......

These were the mumbling words coming out of the congregation.we were all amused . But it all came to a hault when he smiled, it was a smile of relief.

"Yes I do".

"Mary Grace Larson do you take Jayden Norbert Kings as your lovely wedded husband , to love nd to cherish till death do you path ?".

" I do".......

"You may now kiss your bride"..... They don't hesitate the slightest bit. While mother's with underaged children covering the eyes of their children as quickly as possible, the aged ones watched them with full concentration, like we're in a trance of their younger memories. 

👩‍👧👩‍👦👩‍👧👩‍👦👩‍👧👩‍👦 13 years later 👩‍👦👩‍👧👩‍👦

" Hey Alec don't do that, cause aunt Melody and Alex would be here soon". I over heard Mary *who now accept her full name with joy* telling Alec her son.

"Well we're here now .."

" Who invited you in?" Mary said pointing at me.

" Alec did , isn't it ?" I said winking at Alec.

" Yes mom I did". Alec said while running towards his game room with Alex.

" You all are terrible" Mary said

"I heard that"

" Who said you didn't , it was meant for you".

"Please feed me and my baby Ava" . I said. Mary started to laugh.

" You aren't the only pregnant one , if you really are famished come to the kitchen with me please I don't like stress".


We were chilling at the resting place of Mary's house. For about four hours.

"Mom, Mom"
Alec and Alex chorused
"Mom , Mom".

"What's it?" Buh Alec spoke up first, despite him being junior by 10 months he always want to speak up first.

"Mom !, Aunt Melody , Alex is on a dare that he has to French kiss a girl at the middle of..  .. haha....". Alex tries to close Alec's mouth.

" Don't do that Alex, he has the right to his own darn speech". The lawyer in me arouse, he knows when I play and when I aren't , so he submitted.

"..... With what I was about to say before I got interrupted, by Alex ....the schools cafeteria and ask her out and the very next day break up with her , actually this one is fragile from my very own observation" .

" What the fuc..... Frutose" we remebered we were talking with children, yeah there aren't kids either buh we don't want them hearing us speak those frequently. I tried calming down my self looking intensely to Alex.

"Never you in this world's do heart breakes to people , no matter what , cause you know not what the heck the pass through, It could cost you a great deal of things in future, even if the consequences doesn't come now , it still would await you, it's not easy mending a heart so don't do so, I know what I mean , I've gone through that". I digressed and went on thinking about our past years , despite all that has happened , we still scaled through , we ended up forgiving cause it is freedom but the scar it leaves , we live with them and remember them in times like this , to teach our future to be better than us.....


"I've told you and it's final, don't....."

"No aunt Melody, a miraculous water just splashed out of mom's body".

"What the... Call for help , Call your father's now". I ran towards Mary she didn't look like she was in pain , she looked nomal.  Yeah breaking news Mary doesn't feel labour pains unlike me , I tried to encourage her cause I don't think I can nurse her baby in my state , I was becoming nausea .................


" So brotherly , what do you think their name should be since they are both girls , so very cute I'm so blessed to be a double godfather to this two cuties!,". Jerome said

" Ava"
"Alexis" . Both I and Mary chorused.

"Finally after , 2 hours of sleep they are finally awake" Jerome said not leaving his seat while Jayden and Jordan came towards us.

"How do you feel?" Jordan asked me.

"Better, Jerome...I would like to have some ice cream". I pouted, and batted my long lashes , it normally works.

" why tell me that?  When you just had my goddaughter? well I don't do your orders anymore, I only attend to my daughters." Jerome said. I guess my charm had no effect on him now.

" When you're done claiming goddaughters, you go get married to Maily " Jayden said teasing Jerome , who was red of embarrassment, and yes Jayden never filters his words just like Mary they both have no filters to their mouth.

The door bursts open with Alec and Alex holding their ice cream and a box of pizza at hand.

" Mom you're up already?" They both asked , you can tell that they have good twinapathy skills without being real twin .

" Can we jus get out off this white coated building already?  I'm fit already". Mary spoke up for the very first time since hours.

" That and be said for you babe buh , Melody can't and we can't leave her here". Jayden tried making circles around her tailbone to ease her stress. Which indeed works for her .

" Son, whose are those? Would you please bring some ice cream to mom?".

" No mom they aren't yours , there for our sisters not you by the way were are they?". Alex stated.

"Regected" Mary said with her belly kissing the bed . It was comical even I burst into a roar of laughter.

Life is rough and tough, you need people , family, friends , close friends , best friends, to help you scale through this , but you need to make the right decision ,so you won't feel like a trash bag in the end . End up with people who would end up with you through thick and soft , life aren't a bed of 🌹 roses.

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                          Love ya my royalties 💞

                       THE END.                         

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