ocean eyes

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Ruel's pov

I sat there amazed the way she so effortlessly moved her body yet still made every movement look so put together, her beautiful blonde hair was pulled into a bun which was centered at the top of her head. I think Coco released that I was amazed as she nudged me and winked, she passed me a note which said "I bought some flowers and I'll pick them up just before the performance is over so you can give them to her" I looked at her and smiled then turned my focus back to the performance which displayed girls gracefully tiptoeing off the stage. It wasn't hard to spot Laiya though it was as if I was drawn to her.

Laiya's pov

As I ran off stage I couldn't help myself but just smile I loved the feeling of being out there with the lights on you whilst you made everyone else happy. I had 10 minutes until I was supposed to perform my solo, it was to the song ocean eyes by Billie Eilish and I was truly proud of it. I had created the dance by myself one night when I couldn't sleep and its stayed my go to ever since, at every competition I have ever performed it at I always win first place. I truly believe its because it came from the heart instead of some plain old boring dance that you get given by your teacher, it's a dance where I can display all my emotions. 

"Laiya you're on in 2 minutes" screamed the technician who was controlling the all of dance music. All I could do now was wait impatiently watching as Ms Elle introduced me and said all the basics that weren't really that important to the audience but needed to be said as there were dance scouts in the booths watching us as we danced. For all I knew one of them could love me and want me part of there group or they could all think I'm a terrible dancer but thats up to them to decide. I watched as Ms Elle walked of stage and whispered "The stage is yours Laiya, go have fun and dance your heart out" I smiled and nodded back to her then proceeded to walk onto the stage. This time it was different I was alone and the stage felt 10x bigger then it did before, no one was following me except the bright stage light. 

Ruel's pov 

Butterflies grew in my stomach as the lady in front of us on the stage introduced Laiya, she was sixteen, from Sydney, has been dancing since she was 2 etc. All of the basics but all I could think about was that fact that the lady was taking so fucking long. Much to my pleasure she said her final words and walked off stage as the lights dimmed down and a beautiful girl walked out on stage, once the music began to play she twirled and moved her arms to the flow of the music. Her body leaping in the air yet making no sound when she landed, her legs spinning her figure in circles yet not making her dizzy. She looked perfect I saw her looking my way so I gave her a quick wave and I could see her smile back at me, I could feel my whole face go red as Coco giggled at me. Nate who was sitting next to me looked at Coco confused so she pulled out her phone and sent Nate a message I assumed it contained details about how I thought she was beautiful and she caught me spying on her whilst she danced earlier. My theory was later proven when Nate whispered in my ear "Does Ruel have a crush on a girl" I gave glared at him which then made Nate chuckle to himself. The words 'ocean eyes' repeated over the speaker which made me think about how beautiful and deep her blue eyes were, they were truly ocean eyes. 

time skip to end 20 min before the end of the show

"Hey Ruel I'm going to go get those flowers for you to give them to Laiya, I'll meet you back in the green room so you can give them to her" she laughed and walked off giving me no time to respond. The lights turned back on and everyone stared to leave the room through the exits, Nate and I hopped up and walked back to out green room where Coco was waiting holding a beautiful bouquet of roses, she passed them of to me and started leading me out into the hallway where loads of parents were meeting there kids. As I was walking out Nate yelled "Go get 'em tiger!" I rolled my eyes and continued walking this time next to Coco. We walked for another few meters then turned a corner and I could see her sitting on the floor alone tears streaming down her cheek all I wanted to do was hug her, Coco seemed to notice too then told me to go and talk to her whilst she stayed behind. She gave me a friendly smile and winked. Taking a deep breath I walked her way. 


hey so i'm probably gonna finish the second part of this story in a few hours since I don't really plan on sleeping tonight lol but I hope you are enjoying it so far! I know this one is a bit of a small chapter but i'm hoping the next chapter will have a lot more interesting info in it. <3

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