Dazed and confused

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Ruel's pov 

As I got closer I could see her eyes they were red and puffy yet she still looked beautiful, her eyes shot up to mine and she stood up gazing into my eyes. "Hey you did absolutely amazing!" I said handing the flowers over to her. She smiled and immediately engulfed me in a hug, it took a second to realize what was happening but when I did I wrapped my lanky arms around her body and rested my head on top of hers she mumbled than you into my chest. Once she pulled away I knew I had to ask if she was alright it would be rude to pretend that I didn't see her crying 2 minutes earlier. 

"hey is everything ok?" I asked

"yea Im fine just a little overwhelmed" I could tell she was lying so I gave her a little look 

"You don't need to worry I'm fine, but thank you so much for the flowers" she said with a giggle, I could still tell that she wasn't telling the full truth but I didn't want to bother her.

"Well I was wondering if you are free tonight if you wanted to stay for my concert, but only if you don't have anything else planned cause if you do then don't worry" I said extremely fast 

"calm down" she said with a giggle "I would love to watch"

"Oh thank you so much" I said with a huge smile

"I'm just going to go get changed into some different clothes I don't really want to be watching you perform in a leotard" we both laughed and I told her to text me when she was ready so I could go get her and bring her back to my green room.

Laiya's pov

I immediately rushed back to the changing rooms and grabbed out the clothes I was suppose to be wearing to dinner with my family but turns out they weren't going to be able to make it, I mean its not like it is my biggest performance I have ever done which is taking place in the god damn OPERA HOUSE. 

Text conversation between Laiya and her mum

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Text conversation between Laiya and her mum

I understand that it is hard for my mum since she is always so busy at work but I mean this is my biggest night ever and all my hard work payed off and she couldn't even be here to support me. Though this has given me the excuse to hang out and watch Ruel tonight! I quickly got changed into the outfit I brought to wear for dinner.  


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