04 - going home

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-pearl pov -
I was in Steven room cleaning up and getting ready for him  to come home .  I went down stairs with the mop and bucket and started mopping the floor .
Garnet " someone happy "
Pearl " I'm Steven coming home today it been months "
Garnet look around in Steven room then went back where pearl was at moping the living and kitchen area .
Pearl " I wash all his clothes , his bedsheets, wash the window and the sliding door and mop his floor "
Garnet " after this cleaning I want you rest pearl you been cleaning non stop since he woken up "
Pearl " the banner we need to make the banner "
Garnet sigh and take off her visor " I will make the sign and hang up you need to rest pearl "
Pearl " ok I rest "
I went in my temple room and rest but I can't wait till Steven gets home , garnet make the banner for him .
-Steven pov-
Steven " do I have to take a shower "
Greg " Steven you stink I help you ok "
Dad has to help me I least I'm off those machines now since I'm going home today , dad open the shampoo bottle and the others for me , I wash what I can and dad help the back , we got down I went and got dress and then look at my gem still no powers I'm useless with my powers .
Greg " Steven I be back I'm going to the gift shop amethyst need another coloring book "
Amethyst been stress so much since I been in the hospital these 2months out of it I hope she be ok . Soon it was time to go home but before I went home the nurse give a shot and then give my dad some medicine another I have to take . Amethyst help me put on my   Crutche Then  we walk out the hospital and to the van , amethyst pull off my crutche so I can sit ok , I gave my dad thumbs up and we drove home .
I step out the car with my crutche I saw a big welcome home sign pearl and garnet was stand there waving , I waved back and walk to the steps dad was right behind me Incase , I got to the top and pearl hug me .
Pearl " oh I miss my little dude "
Steven " I'm glad be home pearl "
I went in my room and dad help me get change into my pjs that I haven't been in for a month I was so happy to be home .
Greg " Steven are you in pain or anything "
Steven " a little "
Greg " you rest son I need talk to the gems "
I rested in my bed finally I'm home .
-Greg pov -
I walk down the steps the gems was on the couch .
Greg " Steven resting , me and his doctor been talking and they think coming to the hospital for check up be good till he can move this shoulder "
Pearl " I know he be ok because it be couple hours there "

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