(5) Entrance Exam

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Kusuo's POV:

"RIGHT! LET'S START!" I heard Present Mic yell from the top of his tower.


I took out my earphones and listened to a song as I ran.

I ran to a different direction than everyone else. I levitated my self on top a building, and searched for villains from up there there. I saw a 3-pointer, two 2-pointers and two 1-pointers under me, so I jumped down. I punched the ground and the asphalt bursted, causing the earth to rise high and colide with each other, successfully crushing the robots.

'9 points. My goal here is 80. So I'll need 71 more points.' I thought and levitated myself to the sky. I found three 3-pointers so I used Psychokinesis and dropped a chunk of a building on top of them.

'63 more to go.' I thought. I flew up again and found four 1-pointers, two 3-pointer, and four 2-pointers. I dropped down on the ground, and they all turned to me. I lifted all the debris on the ground, and some chunks of cement. A magenta aura surrounded me and each individual rubble. My eyes glowed magenta and my hair floated up.

"Psycho Tornado!" I yelled and slammed both of my hands on the ground. The rubble in the air spun around me so fast that it created a tornado that had magenta streaks of light.

The tornado pulled some chunks of the surrounding buildings, making the tornado stronger. It pulled the robots in and completely obliterated them, turning them to dust as the made contact with the tornado.

I stopped the tornado and grimaced at the destruction around me. Lots of buildings were destroyed, and the ground was full of rubble.

Some people that were around at the time, looked at me with either amazed gazes with mouth agape, while some had terrified expressions, and were holding onto poles, probably so they didn't get sucked in.

I flew up and got away.

'That attracted a lot of attention, but I don't care that much. I have 45 more points to go, and 6 minutes left. I better make this quick.' I thought and flew faster.

All Might's POV:

"Kusuo Aizawa. The first time we met him, he was very anti-social. He wouldn't let anyone touch him. The only ones that succeeded comforting him was Midnight and Eraser Headq." I told Nezu as we moved from watching Young Midoriya, to watching him.

"We haven't gotten a whole grasp on his capabilities, but observing him might help us." I said and watched as he flew up and dropped on top of a building.

"According to his papers. His first quirk is Psychokinesis, the ability that allows him to to move objects with his mind, and occassionally produce energy. His second quirk is physical enhancement, a quirk that significantly increases the level of it's user's physical capabilities such as speed, endurance and strength, but not durability. He can also use kinetic energy. It is also said here that if both abilties are combined, he can manipulate the shape of almost anything, like the ground, water, and even people. It also says that in able to do that, he has to touch whatever he desires to be able to change it's shape." He explained and I nodded .

We watched as he jumped off the building, and punched the ground, causing for it to crack and burst out, lifting the robots and destroying them. My eyes widened a bit and I said.

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