(2) My Life In a Nutshell (Disastrous)

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Kusuo POV:

I was nearing the school gates when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Kuu-Chan! Wait for me!" I turned around and saw Izuku running towards me.

He stopped next to me and bent down panting.

"Are you okay? Why were you running?" I asked.

"Th-there was a villain! And Kamui Woods and Mount Lady were there! As well as Death Arms and Backdraft! They were so cool! You should've been there!" Izuku said excited.

"Sure sure. Let's go now. Classes are about to start." I said while walking away.

"Wait for me!" He said and jogged next to me.

Time Skip

"Soo. As 3rd year students. It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you 'wanna do with your lives. I could pass out career aptitude tests but. Why bother? Hah! I know you all 'wanna go to the hero track!" Mr. Yamamoto (OC Name) said and threw the papers away.

Everyone cheered and used their quirks, except for me, who thought it was irrelevant, Izuku, who was quirkless, and Bakugou, who was doing nothing.

"Yes yes. You all have very impressive quirks. But no power usage allowed in school! Get a hold of yourselves." He continued.

"Hey, teach." Another famliar voice said.

"Don't lump me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister. Hah!" Bakugou said.

This action caused everyone to start mobbing around him.

"Let's go! I'll take you all on!" He yelled obnoxiously.

"Huh? You got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA High." Mr. Yamamoto said, taking everyone by surprise and causing them to murmur.

"That place is impossible to get into!" Someone said.

"An that's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me." Bakugou stated.

"I aced all the mock tests. I'm the only one in this school who stands a chance at getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself! And be the richest hero of all time! People across the world will know who I am! And it all starts with UA High!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah. Midoriya and Aizawa. Don't you want to go into UA too?" Mr. Yamamoto asked.

The room was silent until everyone bursted into laughter while looking at Izuku.

"I do hope Aizawa-Kun gets into UA."

"Yeah. He'll be a great hero!"

"He's also the cutest so he will be popular in no time!"

I heard some people murmur.

"Midoriya?! You're kidding right?! There's no way you could get into the Hero Course without a quirk!" Someone said.

"A-actually they got rid of that rule! I-I could be the first one!" He defended.

Bakugou yelled and blasted an explosion at Izuku, causing him to fall over.

"Listen up, DEKU! You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wannabe! You really think they'd let someone like you when they could have me?!" Bakugou yelled.

I watched with my head resting on my hand and sighed.

"Knock it off. If he wants to, he can at least try. Just because your quirk is flashy, doesn't mean you can force people to do what you want them to." I said.

||The Disastrous Hero: Kusuo Aizawa|| [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now