(16) My Mental Agony

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Kusuo's POV:

By the time I got back, four rounds have passed. Well I did see Eiji's round but I missed the beggining.

I watched as the two manliest students in the school were carried away by stretchers.

'I'm a bit surprised that it's a draw. I didn't expect both of them to get knocked out at the same time. Well they are almost the exact same as each other. But not quite though...'

I sipped some orange juice with a straw from the glass of orange juice that I bought outside. A while I was walking around, I decided to get a drink since I hoped it would help me clear my head.

The next match was between Bakugou and Uraraka.

'I kind of feel bad for her since I already know how this is going to end up. It's fairly obvious who's 'gonna win.'

I stared blankly at them as they began.

I sipped some more juice and thought about how much coffee jelly would Dadzawa owe me if I win 1st place.

'If I win 3rd place, that would hurt my pride a bit. If I win 2nd place, I won't hate it, nor like it. And if I win 1st place, I get the most attention. It doesn't matter as long as the attention isn't the negative type. On the bright side, there's a 98.89% chance of getting coffee jelly from Dadzawa.'

I was knocked out of my train of thoughts as I felt someone tug at my sleeve. I looked to my left and saw the tiny pervert Mineta.

'Ugh. Not this pervert.'

"What do you want?" I asked, turning my gaze at the match.(And trying not to gag.)

"Can I have your drink if you're not going to finish it? Or at least your cup or straw?" He asked drooling and blushing.


"No." I said.

"Can I have just one sip? From the same straw. You sipped from?" He asked again.

"Hmmm... did you know that having broken bones affect people's performance at being a hero? I do. I still don't know how much it will affect it though. What if I figure it out now." I glared at him, and surrounded myself with a demonic aura.

"Eep!" He turned pale and jumped back to his seat.

Now, back to the fight.

Uraraka used her quirk on rubble that Bakugou made with his explosions, and made them float in the air without Bakugou knowing.

Bakugou and everyone else looked up and finally noticed Uraraka's plan.

She pressed all ten of her fingers together, and yelled "Release!", dropping all of the rocks at once.

While he was distracted, Uraraka ran at him and tried to use her quirk on him, but was stopped when he blasted a gigantic explosion in the air. The pressure from the large explosion pushed her away, destroyed all the rubble and pushed the audience to their seats.

A few moments passed by, and the arena was silent.

Uraraka tried to stand up and Bakugou ran towards her but she fell down before they could even continue.

'Just like how I predicted.'

"URARAKA IS UNCONSCIOUS. BAKUGOU MOVES ON TO THE SECOND ROUND." Midnight announced and the audience cheered.

Uraraka was taken to Recovery Girl, and thus, the second round was complete, meaning that we have a break.

I sat on my seat, twirling a strand of hair around out of boredom. I sipped the last of my orange juice, and disintegrated the glass cup and the straw.

||The Disastrous Hero: Kusuo Aizawa|| [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now