(14) A Chat With Mr. Half and Half

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Kusuo's POV:

A hand suddenly landed on my shoulder, making me jump.

I turned my head around and saw Todoroki.

"Uhm..." I stared at him.

"Follow me." He said blankly.

I blinked and slowly nodded, since I didn't really have to use the restroom.

He took my wrist and dragged me around the halls, until we reached one of the exits of the arena.

He let go of my hand and leaned on a wall while I leaned on the one to his opposite. I stared at him blankly as he stared back.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"...A while ago... Midoriya almost made me use my left side.--"

'So what?'

"--I could've broken a promise I made a long time ago.--"

'This is almost like story straight out of a manga.'

"--I would've talked to Midoriya about this.--"

'Then why didn't you?!'

"--But this also happened at our fight during the battle training a few weeks ago... and it was worse. I accidentally used my left side while you lifted up the whole building.--"

'You did? But what does this have to to with me?'

"--All Might, Ojiro. Hagakure, Shoji, and the others... they probably didn't see it... but I saw the panic in your eyes...--"

'Who wouldn't panic if they were pinned to the wall by ice. Especially if they were traumatized and raped as a child.'

"--I won't pry about it, but I saw how you used your quirk blindly... but you somehow supressed the panic so that no one noticed, and hid it behind a mask you put on. Yet, you still beat me, even while panicking.--"

'I could've beaten you with closed eyes.'

"--In USJ. I saw you beat that monster.--"

'Congratulations. You have a set of eyes that work perfectly.'

"--Without getting seriously injured.--"

'Because my hero costume was made out of graphene.'

"--It was said that it could've beaten All Might. And yet you did it. All by yourself--."

'Yes I did. And why would you believe simple rumors like that? Surely no one can defeat the number 1 hero.'

"--My father is Endeavour. You've probably heard of him from Midoriya or something.--"

'Your first guess was right.'

"--Which means you're aware that he's the number 2 hero. So if your quirk is probably as powerful as the number one hero, All Might's.--"

'Nah. I'm actually more powerful.'

"--That just means that I challenged the wrong person.--"

'I heard someone say that just a while ago.'

"--I should've challenged you instead of Midoriya. If you're stronger tgan Midoriya, it means I have to beat you to probe myself. My old man is ambitious. He aims for the top.--"

'Just like a certain explosive durian.'

"--He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero. But he was never able to best All Might. So the symbol of peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though. Still trying to take down All Might one way or another." He stated.

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