(34) What Are These?!

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Kusuo's POV:

"I am SO SORRY!" I bent ninety degrees down, in front of my teachers, which were all lying on hospital beds. It's not that I intended to hurt them... Not this much at least. I did plan to hurt them but not actually injure them.

"It's fine. We didn't break any bones or anything. Just a bunch of scratches and bruises." Power Loader gave a fake(?) laugh before starting to cough out loud. I sweatdropped and sighed.

"He's right Kusuo. You should head back home now. You probably need some rest." Thirteen, who was one of the only ones standing up, said.

"Easy for you to say. You and Midnight didn't really get hurt badly." Snipe shook his head, sighing.

"It's because I'm his favorite teacher!" Midnight laughed, before turning to me. "Ain't that right?" I gave a shrug, and mentally sighed.

"I'm surprised Mic isn't whining. He got stabbed in the leg, and smashed into a wall which isn't something an average human could endure the pain of." Cementoss muttered and looked at the said person.

"I'm just glad he didn't throw his blade at a higher angle. Ehehehe..." He gave a nervous laugh and started to sweat.

"Sorry about that by the way." I rubbed the back of my neck, and looked down.

"It's totally fine! Just go back home now and rest. Recovery Girl can take care of us." He waved his hands.

"Okay. Bye then. Sorry again." I waved, earning waves back, before turning around and walking out the door, closing it behind me.

If you're lost, and is currently wondering what happened after my exam, let me explain it the best I can in a short amount of time.

First off, Dadzawa took me to the nurse's office, where I woke up with a fuzzy brain. He scolded me, obviously, before he went to class and left me there. Shortly after that, I fixed the model city I destroyed, and sent the asteroid back into space, a few million miles away. I then decided to go and apologize to my teachers, which as you read, were beaten up by none other than me.

Midnight wasn't physically damaged, as well as Thirteen since she's wearing a suit, and the rest, excluding my dad, were like I said, just beaten up. I don't know about All Might though. He was in a separate room for some reason, and I wasn't allowed to enter. Maybe he's bleeding and is filled with wounds? I hope not.

Maybe his respiratory organs were all destroyed from a past fight five years ago, causing him to weaken and hide this secret with a muscle form?... Pfft. That's highly unlikely. I shook my head, and decided to just go straight home and sleep.

The Next Day

As I got to the classroom's door, I could already feel the gloomy aura produced by those of my classmates who failed the exams. I sighed before opening the door, staring at the backs of Kaminari, Eiji, Sato and Ashido.

'Wow. They're really that upset? Well I don't blame them though. A summer camp sounds quite nice... if it wasn't for the training part and the bugs.'

"Ev-everyone, I'm looking forward to hearing, all your stories... H-have fun without us..." Ashido half-sobbed, half-whimpered out, while the the three boys looked like statues.

"Maybe they'll end up letting you go! There must be a last minute twist or something?" Izuku protested, sweat flying from his broccoli-like head.

"Stop Midoriya. By saying that out loud, you're just jinxing them." Sero said, standing next to him.

"They said whoever failed the exam will have to skip skill training camp and live in summer school hell." Kaminari suddenly spoke up. "We didn't pass the practicals so we're doomed!... Don't you get it Midoriya?!" He then proceeded to stab Midoriya's eye with his finger, causing him to scream.

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