(29) The Beginning of a Disastrous Match

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Kusuo's POV:

The first match of the practical exam was starting. I stood in front of a large screen in the Monitor Room with Izuku and Recovery Girl who was sitting on her chair. I could strategize by watching how the teachers fight, but I didn't really want or need to strategize.

What I need to do is decide how much power I'll use. Oh, there's also one thing you should know that I keep forgetting to tell you. Since I was reincarnated, I developed a new... split personality.

Do you remember how I said that if I use psychokinesis too much, I'll lose control of myself? Well, when I do, my alternate personality takes over. That personality is my sadistic and psychotic self.

I call my split personality, Kunio. You probably know who I got that name from. Anyway, when "Kunio" takes over, I'm still me, only with boosted bloodlust, and less morales. No, I haven't killed anyone before, but I have injured them beyond repair. To tell you the truth, Kunio actually partially took over me when I was a villain.

I don'r really know how I got this split personality, but my guess is it's because of the fact that I was reborn. Maybe I developed it because of my new parents? Who knows.

Well to put it simply, Kunio is basically a personality made by my own sadism and spitefulness. It's almost as if all my negativities were bunched up into a whole new different entity or emotion.

The only people who know about this split personality of mine is Dadzawa, Midnight, Present Mic, All Might, Eiji, Izuku, and another childhood friend of mine.

So, yeah. I guess if I don't want to hurt anyone, I'll hold back a bit. Not.

I'm pretty sure the teachers won't hold back, so I won't too. Besides, it's been a long time since I've fought actual pros, so this should be fun.

The sound of the door to the Monitor Room opening brought me back to back reality, as in walked one of Izuku's admirers. Uraraka.

"Oh, Deku and Kusuo. You're watching to? Hi!" She greeted and walked next to Izuku, to his left side. I nodded to her, and Izuku greeted back.

"Yeah. It's not like we get many chances to watch students in combat with teachers right?" Said Izuku. "And besides. I don't think Kacchan really wants to talk strategy with me."

"I can see that." Uraraka sweatdropped. "And uh, my partner... is a little preoccupied with himself at the moment." She continued, causing us both to sweatdrop too as an image appeared in our heads of Aoyama posing in front of a mirroir.

'Wow. Truly a surprise.' I though sarcastically, 'cause seriously. That guy is almost as narcissistic as Teruhashi.

"That's why I thought I'd try getting inspiration by watching everybody else's battles."

'Sure, you do you.'

I'm not really going to watch everyone else's battles. I just want to watch Eiji's and Izuku's because one, I don't want to know the teachers' fighting styles right off the bat, two, Izuku will probably get himself hurt so I'll make sure he doesn't get himself killed. And three, I just want to watch Eiji fight.

The monitor showed an overview of the area the first match was going to be held. 

"TEAM SATO AND KIRISHIMA, PRACTICAL EXAM. READY? GO!" The speaker announced, and we watched as the two of them blindly ran towards the direction Cementoss was at.

'So they decided to try and capture him? Considering that both their quirks are physical enhancers, and Cementoss' quirk is more of a defensive type, they might have the upper-hand. BUT, both of their quirks don't really last long, whilst Cementoss can make an endless amount of walls until they both get tired. Ergo, it is inevitable that Cementoss will win. Sorry Eiji. But you should've thought this through first. This is one of the reasons you remind me so much of Hairo.'

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