(10) Get Ready For The Sports Festival

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Izuku's POV:

"You guys! Did you watch the news last night?!" Hagakure asked.

"Yeah." Ojiro answered.

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time. Though I bed no one noticed me hanging out in the background." Hagakure sulked.

"Probably not." Shoji said.

"It was difficult to stand out when you were just gloves." Ojiro said.

"We're totally big deals. Those news channels love us. We're basically celebrities." Kaminari said.

"Yeah that's 'kinda crazy right?!" Kirishima said.

"Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps up pros was attacked. And that's what they care about." Jiro said.

The doors suddenly opened, and Kuu-Chan walked in looking sleep-deprived.

"Hey Kusu! You were amazing at the USJ! You beat that villain all by yourself!" Kirishima yelled.

"Yeah! If it wasn't for you, we would've died!" Sato said.

"Don't say that! I'm 'gonna pee myself just thinking about it!" Mineta said.

"Would you shut up." Kuu-Chan said and banged his head on his desk and buried his face in his arms.

"Hey are you okay? You look tired." I asked worried.

"Dad hasn't come back home yet." He mumbled.

"Oh no! Don't worry though. I bet he's just resting in the hospital." Uraraka said.

"He's probably mad at me for almost getting him killed." He said.

"I see, so your blaming yourself. You shouldn't! B-because he would've died without you!" I said.

"If I wasn't just standing there, he didn't have to save me." He stated.

"He saved you because he cared for you. Why would he be mad at you if he chose to do it?" Kirishima stated.

"And you saved us!" Hagakure said.

He sighed and looked up a bit.

"Attention! Home room class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!" Iida said running while chopping the air.

"Uhh. We're all sitting." Kirishima said.

"Yeah. You're the only standing." Kaminari said.

"Dang it." Iida said.

"Don't sweat it." Uraraka said.

"Hey Tsu? Who do you think is 'gonna teach class today?" Ashido asked.

"No idea. Like Kusuo said, Mr. Aizawa hasn't come back from the hospital." Asu-TSU, said.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Mr.Aizawa.

"Morning class." He said.

Before anyone could say anything, Kuu-Chan flew faster than ever and hugged Mr.Aizawa, surprising everyone.

Kusuo's POV:

I hugged Dadzawa tightly, ignoring his injuries. (And the stares)

"Why didn't you come back home?! Did you escape from the hospital?! Are you moving out?! Are you disowning me like my old parents?! Do you hate me?! Answer me!" I yelled while crying a bit.

"Ouch ouch. You're breaking my bones. To answer your questions. I just got out of the hospital. No I didn't. I'm not, you can't take care of yourself. Not in a million years. And I don't hate you. And if you want to hug, not now." He stated.

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