Chapter 4: Getting My Mac On

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Chapter 4: Allos And Aces

There are Allosexuals (allos) and Asexuals (aces).

Allos are people who are sexually attracted to others and Aces are people who are not sexually attracted to others.

If you are straight, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, you are allo. Allosexual means you are sexually attracted to someone in some way. If you are not allosexual, then you are asexual which could mean a few things.

Allow me to explain the umbrella of asexuality using my two favorite things: mac and cheese and analogies. In this analogy, sex will be equivalent to mac and cheese. Odd, yes, but please go with it.

Allo (Mac and cheese is good. I desire it. It is a part of my life or I would like it to be. When I see it, I want it. I may or may not eat it depending on what I am doing or feeling at the time, but it is good.)

Ace (I don't like Mac and cheese, it doesn't appeal to me.)

This includes all of the following:

I never eat it, I never want to eat it, or both.

I eat it, but I don't like it.

I don't desire it, but if I choose to eat it when it is offered to me, I might like it but still don't desire it on my own.

Other examples that still fall under the umbrella of being Ace:

1. Demi (I don't like mac and cheese unless I have some type of close bond with it, like if my best friend made it.)

2. Gray (As much as I am not into mac and cheese, every so often, I may find it appealing but it's pretty fleeting. Usually, the craving is gone before I taste it and if I decide to eat it anyways, it is never as good as what I thought in that very quick moment.)

3. Aego/Auto (I may think of mac and cheese, but I am not included in the thought and never intend to be. For example, I might think of other people I know eating mac and cheese, but I am not there with them or care to be.)

4. Akio/Litho (I desire mac and cheese sometimes, but only when it is not around or waiting to be eaten. When there is some available or is ready to be desired, I become completely uninterested, almost even repulsed by it. No thank you. I like the idea, but now that it's a possibility for me to try, no way.)

5. Fray/Ignot) Someone only experiences sexual attraction towards those that they are not deeply connected with, and lose that attraction as they get to know the person. (the opposite of Demi sexual)

Ace Comfort levels

Aces sometimes wonder what other aces' comfort level is. Here are four different comfort levels. Remember we are still using mac and cheese in the analogy.

A. I am repulsed by mac and cheese. Ew! (I'm mac and cheese repulsed.)

B. I like mac and cheese. Yum! (I am mac and cheese favorable.)

C. I may or may not be into mac and cheese myself, but I think it's good for others. I'm happy for the people that like it and eat it safely. (I'm mac and cheese positive.)

D. I am not into mac and cheese. I really don't think about it and don't care whether other people like it or not. (I'm mac and cheese indifferent or neutral.)

These same examples can be used when talking about Aromantics as well.

In this case I would be a positive Ageo Aro.

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