I Want To See You Dance - Randy/Wade

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I was going to call this ship Barton, but now I'm not so sure. I've never actually seen a ship name for Randy and Wade, so I left it as is. Oh, and this is based in October, so the Authority isn't out of power in this shot. 

Randy fidgeted in his costume, finding the fabric uncomfortably clingy. He wore white tights which disappeared into dark brown boots, that clung to his legs in a way that wasn't nearly as itchy as the black and red tunic-styled shirt he wore. As horrible as he felt in the old-fashioned top, he liked the silver decorations that hung from buttons, going horizontally across the chest. He was supposed to be a king, but with his lack of crown he was merely a prince. He would've worn it, but Trips ordered him not to.

Randy knew he was nearing the hotel bar he had been searching for for the last 10 minutes when he heard the loud music and drunk cheering. The Authority had rented out the hotel bar and invited everyone to a costume party for Halloween and, hate them or not, everyone loved to party. So of course everyone showed up. Randy would've preferred not to but, again, Trips made him. 

Everyone was already well on their way to being shitfaced, and that just fueled the flames of Randy's irritation even more. Drunk people annoyed him, but if he was going to be forced to be around them, he might as well join them. Unfortunately he was interrupted on his way to the bar by none other than the Authority, all clad in costumes. Seth was a pirate, fake sword and all. A little childish, in Randy's opinion, but then again he also found Seth was a little childish. He wasn't really sure what Kane was supposed to be, he looked to him as if he was just wearing what he normally did on TV. When he asked, Kane only rolled his eyes and said "Politician". Triple H was, of course, a king. The SOB.

"Nice prince costume, Randy," Triple H smiled wickedly. Randy's eyes narrowed at him, muttering 'asshole', but not daring to say it loud enough for anyone to hear. Sure, Triple H could read lips, but that's not who he was worried about. Picking a fight with Triple H was also, unfortunately, picking a fight with the rest of the Authority. And he didn't need that right now. "You're late, you know."

"You're just lucky I came at all," Randy grumbled, folding his arms. 

"Oh, yes. God forbid I had to go without your complaining," Trips laughed, slapping Randy on the shoulder. "Ah, relax, Randall. You're so tense," He said, smugness heavy in his tone as his hand lingered to rub circles on Randy's back. His smugness didn't fade when Randy shrugged his hand away.

"I'm going to go get a drink," Randy muttered, wanting to excuse himself when Seth began wrapping himself around Trips' bicep, pulling him in the direction of the dance floor.

"Enjoy yourself, Randy," Trips waved him off, walking away with Seth as Kane made a run for the exit. Randy should've followed him, but something in him made him do otherwise, no matter how much he felt like it. There was an empty seat at the bar with his name on it. 

Randy truly did think he was going to be left alone. He was three or four beers in, a few levels of candy crush later, and he thought he was going to be alone, except for the occasional passerby who stopped to said hi when they recognized him, back facing everyone and face buried in his phone. He thought he was going to be alone, right up until Wade strolled up to perch himself on the bar stool next to him. 

"Why are you here all by yourself, Orton?" Wade asked. Randy merely grunted, more of a response than Wade was expecting, if he was honest. He ordered a beer when the bartender came around, not his first for the night. He took a huge sip, letting out an audible 'ahh', if only to remind Randy that he was still there. "You're not enjoying the party, I guess?" Randy sighed, not wanting to have any form of social contact right now, and he got up to leave. "Aww, come on!" Wade groaned.

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