Every Other Freckle - Trippins

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Heh. Triple H/Seth Rollins. A follow up to the events in I Want To See You Dance

"Can you believe that son of a bitch left the party early even after I specifically told him not to?" Triple H ranted, walking with heavy steps through the lobby. 

"Well, technically we're doing the same," Seth muttered, flinching when Trips' head snapped back to glare at him half-heartedly.

"I make the rules around here, so I can break them all I damn want," He said, and he pulled Seth into him by the waist without caring that other people were around. "And as long as you're mine, you can do the same." Seth blushed when he kissed his forehead, keeping his eyes down and away from the prying eyes of strangers around them while Trips merely smiled proudly. 

When they got to Randy's room, Seth wasn't expecting anyone to answer when Trips knocked, and he wasn't quite sure why Trips even bothered. "He's probably smart enough to have gone to Wade's, you know." 

"Do you know where Wade is?" Trips asked, and of course Seth shook his head. He never left Trips side without him knowing, so of course he didn't know. "I bet I can bribe that kid at the front desk into giving me his room number." 

"Hunter!" Seth called, almost a little too loudly, when he began walking away. "Please, just calm down." Triple H looked back at Seth, down at his hand as it barely enclosed around his wrist. Sighing, he turned to pull the younger man into his chest, embracing him.

"Fine, babe. I'll let it go," Trips said into Seth's hair as he sunk to kiss his shoulder. "Do you want to go back to the party?"

"No..." Seth trailed off, his hands traveling up Triple H's body. "To be honest, I don't." 

Triple H let out a long sigh, muttering, "What an example I'm setting. Let's go." Trips led Seth by the hand to their room, which was on the same floor. Seth bit his lip in high-strung anticipation as the older man in front of him took out his key and unlocked their room door. Once inside, Seth quickly removed his eye patch and belt that held his fake gun and sword, tossing them to the floor. While cute, he didn't find them sexy enough for what he wanted to do now.

"If Randy's been upset with the number of match-ups he's been given as of late, he's about to get even more annoyed. And it's only his fault, really." Triple H sighed, shrugging off his bedazzled, heavily decorated coat to reveal just a simple white button-up shirt underneath. He undid his cuff-links, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows as he flexed his shoulders, now able to relax. 

Seth watched as Triple H kicked off his shoes and walked right past him. Scoffing almost, the glare in his gaze was strong when Triple H sidled up to the couch and plopped down lazily, putting his feet up on the coffee table and crossing his fingers over his eyes as he leaned back. What on Earth did he think Seth wanted to do when he suggested bailing the party?

"Are you still upset?" Seth asked, shrugging off his pirate jacket and leaving it on the carpet where it fell as he moved to stand behind the couch, right behind his lover. 

Trips shrugged, eyes still closed and covered by his hands. "I'll get over it."

"You should work on that," Seth whispered, and above his thumb he could see Trips' eyebrow raise in question. "You're just so... Tense." Trips looked up when Seth's touch feathered over his shoulders and his hands moved away from his face. Walking around the couch, Seth gently kicked Trips' feet off the table, nestling between them but not fully touching him aside from the sides of his thighs. "Maybe I can help with that," Seth cooed, his hands beginning to trail up the length of Trips' torso. When they reached his neck, they coiled around and he brought himself down to rest against him fully, keeping their faces close and the world even further. 

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