Bad Habit - Candy

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Ah, yeah. Based after the events of I Want To See You Dance. Sorry if it's kind of short, or at least short in comparison to the others, idk. Randy and Cody are one in the same when it comes to how they view sex; if they want it, they hunt it and usually, they get it. When Wade's off on injury, Randy has to find another outlet for all his pent up desire. Believe in Rade Barton.

Randy didn't feel like being at the arena today. He got there just a few minutes before being what would have officially been considered late, hung around catering and when it was time for his match, he took his time during that too. He moved as slowly and methodically as he always did in the ring, but he was a lot slower in building up the finish than usual. He was like a machine, not stopping at anything less of total decimation. Something was up with him today, the crowd and the announcers knew it. Anyone backstage who had been unfortunate enough to get near Randy and experience the tense air that hung around his presence knew it. His opponent knew it, when the RKO came brutally, quickly and -pardon me- from literally out of nowhere. Randy didn't he even let the ref hold up his hand before he was sliding under the ring ropes, stalking away with a grimace painted across his features.

Backstage, people moved out of his way. The match that should've released some of his tension only made it worse and now his shoulders lay flat and wide as he barreled through anyone who dared to get in his way. He wasn't making a very good impression on his co-workers, but it was a little too late for him to do that anyway. The glares focused on his back were absorbed into the angry heat that radiated off him like asphalt in the month of August. They stared, wondering as he disappeared into the empty locker room, why he returned from that one-side beat down even angrier than he was going in, when it should've been good for him to get some of that out. The answer to their pondering was simple; Randy's frustration was simply the cause of something far different, far more complex than what they assumed.

He stood in the shower for a long time. He kept the water hot, searing paths down his neck and back that turned red in their wake. The steam was all around him, coagulating on the flesh of his arms that existed outside of the showerhead's radius, fists resting on the tiled wall. His jaw hung, the only part of him relaxed and as he breathed the hot air in deeply, he imagined scorching himself from the inside-out, being set aflame within just a few breaths. To him, that's how it felt to be with Wade. As if every breath he took was at a risk, and yet he couldn't stop himself from breathing. 

Randy couldn't explain the way Wade made him feel. He felt as though everything was different, and everything had changed, because of Wade. Wade changed everything, and Randy hated change. But he welcomed this specific change, welcomed it like the burn on his tongue as he tasted the steam. Randy was frustrated and itchy and his body ached from withdrawal. His body literally achedSince Wade had been out on recovery, Randy had slowly but surely fallen apart. With Wade on tour with him, he was at his beck and call, and they fucked everywhere they could, and Randy missed that. It had been weeks. Randy was, at this point, completely frayed and fallen apart.

His groan was a painful one when his hand twitched and fell to his waist. His fingers collided with his hipbone, movements vexed and erratic, his nails dug into his flesh. His cock was so hard it was sore to the touch, but he squeezed relentlessly, teeth gritting in his mouth. He was close, so much closer than he had ever gotten himself in such a short time. But Wade was hot on his mind, and now someone was standing behind him. 

"Shit, Randy." Cody whined, and another shower somewhere close by turned on. "That was some ass kicking you treated me to earlier. The fuck was up with that?" Cody made casual conversation from a shower or two over, oblivious to what Randy was doing, how he was feeling.

"Sorry," Randy muttered. His hand kept a tight grip around himself. Slowly, he continued. Nothing was different. He was still Randy Orton, and he would still continue to do what Randy Orton does best. Get his way. 

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over my fucking headache." Cody chuckled lightly, but that eventually faltered. It was shortly after his joke fell flat that he heard the footsteps. "Randy?..."

"Yeah?" Randy sighed, his breath hitting the back of Cody's neck causing the younger man to gasp. This wouldn't be the first time he got this close to Cody, so he saw no reason why Cody would reject him now. It would be easy. He would get what he wanted, and he would be able to sleep later without the frustration keeping him up. 

Cody turned slowly, his gasp sinking in his throat as his smirk grew at the sight of Randy before him. "Oh, I get it now..." He trailed off, taking a step forward to Randy. "It's been a while, hasn't it, big boy?"

Randy grunted. He took a step forward, the water running down his chest now. "You know what I want, don't you?" He wasn't sure why he phrased that as a question. Clearly, Cody knew. 

"Oh yeah," Cody confirmed, stepping forward to press his palm against Randy's chest, "I know." Most of his makeup had been removed before he entered the shower, but there was still a little residue on his lips and chin. Randy's hand swooped up, smearing it more in an attempt to wipe it off with his thumb. Shrugging, Randy went in for the kiss anyway. This is easy, Randy thought. Nothing's changed.

Cody moaned and his body arched against Randy's when the other man's teeth grazed its way down his throat. Randy sucked, and nibbled and gasped against Cody's flesh and he knew he was desperate. Like he had said, Cody knew just what he needed.

"You've been lonely without Wade, haven't you?" Cody cooed, pulling away from Randy and beginning to kiss down his body. "That's okay... I'll take care of you, baby." Cody said and now he was on his knees and he was looking up at Randy, but Randy's face was blank. He just had to mention Wade.

"I..." Randy took a step back, almost tripping on the small step that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom. "I'm sorry."

"What... what's wrong, Randy?" Cody questioned, confused as he knelt there on the floor. 

"I just," Randy covered his mouth with his hand, unable to look at Cody, "I can't do this." He turned his back and hurried out of the shower.

Cody sighed, remaining there on the floor for another moment or two. He sighed, because while he was confused, he knew. When he exited, naked and shameless with no reason to be otherwise, he found Randy sitting on a bench with a towel around his waist near the lockers. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

Randy didn't look up. He couldn't, even if he wanted to. His face was buried in his hands and his voice was muffled because of this. "I think I might be," he sobbed. Randy was wrong earlier, about what he tried to tell himself. Everything was different, and everything had changed. And it really was all Wade's fault. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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