Chapter 6

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A/N:I'm gonna start to put songs at the top of each chapter 😁

I try to get up but I get pulled back down by jaden.
I turn art and look at him and his eyes are closed
Em:ja...are you asleep
Jade : no babygirl
He said this a very sexy raspy morning voice
Em:ok..well I need to go yell at Griffin
Jaden:why? He made a weird face saying this
Em:this is why
I showed him the picture and he just laughed
Em:what is so funny
Jaden:why are you so worried
Em:I don't want to look like a
Jaden: look like a what?
He was sitting up now
Em: a ummm
Jaden: Emerald....your nothing but beautiful...amazing....talented
I was blushing so hard
He picked my face up
Jaden: let's go downstairs
Vannah: good morning
Em: morning
Em:where's Griffin
Jaden: idk
Em: there he is
He was outside with the boys,nessa,and Kardyn
Griffin: UMMM YES
Griffin:what about it
Em: why would you post that
Griffin:  because Mads and Jaden broke up
Emerald: Ok that doesn't mean anything
Jaden: awww
Emerald: what
Jaden: you don't care I broke up with Mads
Em: it's not my relationship
Jaden:  I'm deeply hurt
EM: why?
Jaden: what if I missed her and was depressed
Em: too bad
That day we kinda just chilled ,
Us girls didn't really hang out with the boys
The boys were doing Tik Tok and playing video game

5:00 pm

Em: yo I'm hungry
Nessa: yes let's make re boys but is good

Jadens pov
WE COULD HEAR THE  girls yelling and they came up
Em: we're hungry can you guys but is good
Jaden: no but ur own food
jaden: nope now go MAKE food
Nessa: with what food!
Jaden: go buy some
Em: fine we will go buy food
They walked out the house A d we locked the door behind them
Josh: hey did anyone of them bring keys
We all laughed
Bryce: nope
Jaden: ima call Em
On face time

Jaden: hey Em
EM: yes Jaden
Jaden: did you guys bring keys
EM: yes we did I have your keys
JAden: are yo all dressed or in your PJ's
EM: we're all wearing overalls and vans why
Jaden: just wanted to know
Em: Ok well bye
Jaden: bye Em
End of face time

Emerald pov
EM: that was WEIRD
Nessa: yeah I could hear the boys laughing in the back
Kardyn: Ok so what are we getting
We are already in the store
Em & Nessa: nutella
Vannah: Yea
KArdyn: Ok but what else like FOOD...and emerald get off of your stake board in the store
We walked but me and Savannah wanted to ride our stake board since that was our one carry on
Em: fine mom
KArdyn: Ok ima get REAL FOOD, you guys go get junk food and water bottles so get your your own cart
Em: yes ma'am
She walked away
EM: let's play truth or dare while we're shopping
Nessa: bet
Vannah: Ok
Em: Savannah truth or dare
Vannah: truth
Em: what's up with you and Kio
Vannah: idk I mean Olivia likes him A lot and he likes me but idk I guess we're taking things slow
Nessa: Ok wow
Em: what she said
Vannah: Nessa truth or dare
Nessa: dare
Vannah: I dare you to go on live
Nessa: bet
She goes on I've we all day hi
Nessa: hey guys so we're in the store going grocery shopping for sway and playing truth or sorry mom
Em: aka Kardyn She's our their mom but Dixie mine
Nessa: Ok Em I truth or dare
Em: dare
Nessa: I dare you to do a jump over the Refrigerator thing in the store
  I CLIMBED on the freezer thing and Savannah handed me my stake board
Nessa: hi Jaden
Jaden on the live with Nessa
Jaden: ant said to tell her to get her little ass down
Nessa: she's already up there why stop her now
Jaden: Nessa what if she doesn't make it to the next one of falls
Vannah: have you seen this girl stake she is like PRO
Jaden: Ok whatever...BOYS
Em: ready
Nessa: set
Savannah: GO
I went Nessa turned the camera toward me on her live and Savannah took a picture she posted it on it
(A/N: Ok so I know this is a dude but act like it's her ok byee)

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