Chapter 11

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It Been more than five minutes and Jaden still won't let me get up
Em: Jaden can I plz get up
Jaden: no
Em: Jaden I'm being serious, it's 10:32
Jaden: idfc
He said this in a baby voice witch I found funny
He let go of me because someone was calling Him and so I got up and got clothes
The. I went I to my bedroom and the girls were all up and already dressed

Vannah: five more minutes baby girl
Em: k says the one who let Kio stick his Tongue down her throat
Vannah: don't even go there girly
Em: I need to change is ness dressed
Nessa: nope why
Em : ok wear overalls do u have any
Nessa: I do
Em: ok
I go in the bathroom and change
When I come out the girls aren't there and I need help with my straps
So i go in Jadens room
He wasn't on the phone anymore
Em: ja can y out help me
Jaden: depends with what
Em: my straps
Jaden: oh ok
Em: do known how to do it
Jaden: yes I think I've buckled overalls before ..and why do u need help there only overalls
Em: my finger kept moving the button. Looking thing and I didn't want to get mad
Jaden: oh
Em: you ok
Jaden: I'm great you
Em: I'm fine ima go find the girls and see if Ness got her overalls on
Jaden: what are all four of you guys matching or Sum
Em: no just me and ness Vannah and Kardyn were already dressed she. I walked in their.. I mean our room
Jaden: if it's their Room where is yours
He says this smirking
Em: I'm sorry it's just I've been in here the whole time and it got conversing
Jaden : I was joking baby girl
Em : Ok I seriously have to go find ness
Jaden: wait
Em: yes
I turn around to face him
and he smashed his lips against mine
He kissed me
And I kissed back
I pulled away first
Jaden: sorry
Em: don't be
I say smirking
He picked me up and spun me around
Em: Jaden
We both laughed
Jaden: Ok go see nessa
I go to Josh's room and knock on the door
Nessa: who is it
Em: Emerald lynn stone Reeves
Nessa: come in then
I walk in and we are both wearing this

 I mean our room Jaden: if it's their Room where is yours He says this smirkingEm: I'm sorry it's just I've been in here the whole time and it got conversingJaden : I was joking baby girlEm : Ok I seriously have to go find nessJaden: waitEm: yesI ...

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Nessa: we look good
Em: we do tho
We go downstairs to get food since Josh wanted to make pancakes
We I get down there I feel someone grab my waist and pull me into the hall way
I know that the girls saw because they were all laughing
I know it was Jaden
He turned me to face e him
Jaden: I forgot to tell you something
Em: what was it
I say laughing
Jaden: you look sexy I those overalls
Em: omg Jaden
Jaden: stating data
Em: Ok thank you...I'm hungry can we go eat plz
Jaden: yes baby girl
We go and eat
The whole time he girls were kicking me and laughing
I could tell Jaden knew what was going on
He kept laughing every time I looked at one of the girls sternly after they kick me
Em : what are we doing today
TB: chilling
Em: we did that yesterday
Jaden walked up behind me and whispers
Jaden: we could cuddle
Em: I wanna spend time with everyone not just Jaden Hossler
Jaden: awww
Vannah: can we go swimming
Jaden: not if Emerald wears the bathing suit she wore last time
Anthony: what Jaden just said
Em: omg it wasn't even that bad
Jaden: anyway , we could go at 1ish
Em: Ok
Is girls went in our room
Vannah: Ok bitch spill
Nessa: All the tea
Kardyn: yeah and make it quick I need to shower
Em: Ok what do u wanna know
Vannah: why did he grab you and pull you in the hallway
Nessa: no we need to start from this morning
Em: Ok so after you guys left the room we cuddled and he wouldn't let me get up He kept saying " No stay and that he doesn't care"
Nessa: keep going
Em: then his phone rang and he got up and answered it and I came in here with my clothes then I go in the bathroom and change but you guys aren't in the room and I needed help so I went to Hades room. I asked him for help he said yes and he helped me then he asked  if we all gonna match cause I said I gotta go see if Nessa had her overalls on
Vannah: ok... Get on to when He pulled you in the hallway
Em: your gonna want to hear this part
We all sigh because they were so loud the boys heard them downstairs and Josh had to tell from down there
Em: Ok so ... He asked if we were All matching I said no just me and ness...then I explain that when I walked into our room you two were already dressed
Vannah: Ok
Em: but I almost said THEIR room..but I stopped my self and said OUR room..and Jaden asked off that was their their Room then where was mine and I said I was sorry and he said " I was joking baby girl"
Ness: omg Jaden
Em: then I said I need to go find ness and I turned around to walk out his room and he said wait so I turn back around and
Vannah: and what

Ant: who kissed her
Jaden: Me
Ant: anything else
Jaden: nope
Ant: Ok dude just don't do anything else she's my little sister
Jaden: look Anthony can we talk
Ant: yeah
Jaden: away from the boys
We go into my room
Jaden: look ant I really REALLY like her
Ant: I trust you but I don't want her to get heart broken
Jaden: I won't I promise
Ant: what happens when. She goes back home
Jaden: let's not talk about that right now she's not leaving for a month
Ant: Ok
Jaden: but your ok with it
Ant: yes
Jaden: love you man
Ant: love you too
He walks out and we both go to the girls do and I open it
Jaden: Emmmmmmm
Em: yeah ja
She was shuttling on her bed on her phone and the girls were watching on my bloc
A/N: yo that is the best show ever besides Riverdale and stranger things
Em: yeah Jaden
She sass us this looking at Me
Jaden : come cuddle with me please
Vannah: no she's cuddling with you
Josh: yeah nessa..Will you do e cuddle with me
Kio: Savannah
Em: oh so where Quinton
Quinton: I'm here...Kardyn come on
All the girls get up including my beautiful emerald
I walk to my room and I hear the door shut
Em: hi
Jaden: hey baby
Em: where's the remote
Jaden: I have no idea
Em: we gotta find it
Jaden: no I just wanna cuddle
Em: fine but we gotta find it later and can I change into some comfy clothes
Jaden: yeah I gotta to the bathroom

Emerald pov
He walked in the bathroom and I saw that my favorite hoodie of his was on the bottom of his bed it was the black one with the white playboy signs all over it and put on my nike pros
He comes out and bits his lip
I just lay on his bed
Jaden: I'm hungry
Em: jaden, low key me too
Jaden: post mates taco bell and BR ( Baskin Robens)
Em: ah
I tell him what I want and we cuddle until the post mates gets here his phone goes off
Jaden: it's here
Em: yay
I getup behind Jaden and run to the door
I open it and the guy hands me food and I say thank you and he leaves
But Jaden looks mad like really mad
Em: ja what's wrong

A/N: so so from now on in just gonna write what me speaking to all of you lovely peps and who's pov it is in Bold so yeah thank for 97 reads so close to 100 in so greatful
Let me know if you like it in comments

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