Chapter 10

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Jaden: you beautiful
Em: your handsome
Jaden: why thank you
Em: ja
Jaden: yeah baby girl
Em: when can we go home
Jaden: whenever you want
Em: can we go now I'm super tired
Jaden: of course
We go to the car and drive back home (sway)
I like Jaden I really do
I think I might love him
I'll break him
Jaden: what are you thinking about babygirl
Em: the fact that I might lo- have loved the view
Jaden : Ok then what do u wanna listen to
Em: give me your phone
He gave me his phone and I put on his song comatose
Jaden: My hearts comatose
Em: omg ja
Jaden: what it's a really good song
Em: Ok rockstar
Jaden: hey I am a rockstar ok
Em: Ok ja
We pulled up to the house
Em: Jaden
Jaden: yes
Em : can I sleep with you tonight👉👈
Jaden: yes babygirl
Em: yay
We walked in and see lip and Savannah on the couch cuddling
Em: aww their so cute
Jaden: Ok yea but I'm sleepy
Em: Ok come on
I'm Jadens room
EM: Ima get pjs
I change into this after I get in the shower since I needed one

Jaden: looking good baby
Em: why do you keep calling me names like that ja
Jaden: you don't like them
Em: no I do I just wanna know
He got up and whispered in my ear
Jaden: because I like you
After he said this he pulled me into his bed and we culled all night long
In the morning
Em: ja are you up
Jaden :yeah why
Em: no reason
I get up but Jaden pulls me down
Jaden: where are yo going mama's
Em: to the bathroom clingy
Jaden: oh ok
I went to the bathroom as later back down near to Jaden
He wasn't giving me any attention
So I got on his lap and took his phone
Jaden: ummmm mama's
Em: I want attention

Jaden pov
Jaden: Ok well I'm busing in a minute
I say trying to grab my phone but Em takes it and throws in to the bottom of the bed
Em: please
Jaden: what do u want from me
Em: Attention
I couldn't take it anymore
I missed her
Emerald pov
He kissed me
I miss back and pull away
Is it there and look at him
Then I hear the girls screaming
Jaden: holly shit where did you guys come from
Griff is everythi-
I dug my face into Jadens cheat because I was embarrassed
Vannah: come on Em
Jaden: NO
Vannah: why
Jaden: we are cuddling
Kardyn: we need to talk to her it's really important
Jaden look at me with puppy dog eyes
Jaden: please baby girl 5 more minutes

A/N: Ok lol I'm sorry for this short chapter
499 words

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