chapter 14

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Em: I'm hungry can we go
Josh: yeah
Jaden: same seating as before
He says this running to the car
Jaden: what
He was walking over
Once he go here all the way I could tell he was gonna try and kiss me but I grab around him to the car
Em: catch me if yo can Jaden
Jaden starts running towards me
He's pretty fast
And he's getting REAL close
He picks me up
Ahhh I'm screwed
Jaden: why did you run from me
Em: I didn't want to kiss you
Jaden: why
Em: finding know..I'm tyhangry
This means tired hungry and A word I made up because why not
Jaden: awww ok
Em: I wanna go home and cuddle and eat food and sleep
In the car
The whole way home was talking and singing
Not yelling
Who knows how mad Jaden would be if we yelled like that again
The girls told Jaden I was In love with him
I m not denying
It's just he didn't even know likes him
They could have stated off like
"Ok so Emerald had likes you for a really really long time and these past few days she developed bigger feeling and she's kinda in love with you"
Idk maybe something like that
Jaden: what are yo thinking about beautiful
Em: beautiful..that's A new one
Jaden: yep
Em: I'm think about food and what the girl said to you
I mumble the last part
Jaden: and what?
He says This smirking meaning he heard me he just wants me honest but out loud  everyone can hear
Em: I'm thinking about food and...and and Netflix
Jaden: oh ok well were home
Em: yay
In the house
Kio: Tobin gonna order food what dose everyone want
Jaden: well ding dong where are you ordering from
Kio: you know what ima just order pizza
Everyone: I'm sounds good
Up stairs
I walk into mine and the girls room ready to take a shower since everyone else already did
I was downstairs talking tin and and Quinton
Em: I need to shower
Kardyn: you can't ..not in here
Em: why
Nessa: maybe because Savannah and no-one
Em: say no more I will just shower in Jadens room
They all laugh
Em: shut up
In Jadens room
Jaden: I'm changing
Em: hurry up please ja
Jaden: oh Em
Em: yeah
Jaden: you already took a shower
Em: no that's why I came in here and plus I forgot to get clothes
Jaden: oh well I'm dressed
Em: Ok
I walk over to my suit case and grab pjs
Jaden: I want a kiss
Em: Ok
I kiss him and pull away after a second and he smiles
Em: I'm gonna herding the shower ok bubs
Em: you already had a nickname
Jaden: what was it
Em: it was ja
Jaden: I like bubs better
Em: ok..ima get in the shower
Jaden: Ok
After the shower
I walk out after about 10 minutes and Jaden is on his bed eating pizza
I forgot to grab my clothes off his bed
So I'm came out of the bathroom in a towel
Jaden: hello beautiful
Em: hi bubs
I grab my clothes and  go in the bathroom and change
These are my pjs

ima get in the showerJaden: OkAfter the showerI walk out after about 10 minutes and Jaden is on his bed eating pizzaI forgot to grab my clothes off his bed So I'm came out of the bathroom in a towelJaden: hello beautifulEm: hi bubsI grab my clothe...

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The shorts are a little small
Well not small They are supposed to be like that
But my but is kinda hanging out
I walk out the bathroom and Jaden does not notice my shorts yet
He looks at me though
Jaden: I got to a plate
Em: thanks
I walk towards his closest and he watches me
Jaden: Mrs.Reeves
Em: yes
I know he was gonna say something about my shorts
Jaden: your shorts are very short
At this point were in the walk in closet and he is whispering in my ear
Em: I know
Jaden: what are you trying to do here Mrs Reeves
Em: nothing
Jaden: those short ass shorts don't say nothing
He says this smirking
Em: they're pj shorts would yo rather me be in my under wear
Jaden: yes... Yes i would
Em: why did i fall for you
I mumble this
But of course he still hears me
Jaden: I don't known you tell me
After we eat we watched Netflix and fell asleep

5 hours later
I woke up and looked at me phone
It's about 1:39
Jaden is sleeping beside me holding me
God I love him
I love around a bit causing him to stir around
I goodnight didn't just wake him up
He opens his eyes and I'm just starting in his eyes
Jaden : what's wrong baby
Em: nothing I'm just thirsty
Jaden: can you put on a hoodie
Em: wh-...oh my shorts
Jaden: yeah
Em: Ok brb
Jaden: wait
Em: what bubs
Jaden: kiss
Em: fine
I kiss him and pulled away after a while
I go downstairs and to my surprise I see someone I haven't seen in a long long long time
Some one who me,jaden,ant,Savannah,and Kardyn used to be really
close to
Someone who hates me for no reason
Someone who trusted to
Someone who hurt Jaden
Someone who hurts everyone around her

Haha cliffhanger can you guess who it is
And thank you so much for 225 reads

915 words

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