Chapter 15

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Luckily she didn't see me
So I ran upstairs
Into Jadens room
Em: um
Jaden: what
Em: Katie is downstairs
Jaden: like Katie Jordan
Em: umm yeah
Jaden: WHY
Em: Jaden I don't know
Jaden: ok...I don't know just stay up here she should be gone by morning
Em: ok..can we watch Netflix
Jaden: yeah
Em: Ok but did u ever find the remote
Jaden: nope
Em: help me find it
Jaden: fine
After looking for 10 minutes we found it
It was under his bed
Em: ok..I just wanna know how it got under your bed
Jaden: I don't know
Em: cuddles
Jaden: yes
We cuddled watched Netflix and I fell asleep
I don't know if he did
But I woke up and he wasn't there
Em: Bubs
Jaden : I'm the bathroom brushing my teeth
Em: oh ok
Jaden: what do u wanna do today
Em: I don't know
Jaden: Ok well think about it
Jaden: what
Em: come with me upstairs
We go out of his room and I go downstairs and get a bucket of water
Jaden: Ok what is that for
Em: anyone who doesn't want to get up
Jaden: oh ur good
We go downstairs and wake everyone up
Lucky them they all got upJ
I didn't know where Bryce was
After about 2 minutes everyone was in the kitchen
Em: Ok so first of all I know what we are doing today...And it involves vani,addi,and Mad
Jaden: doses she have to come
Em: Jaden please I haven't seen her in forever
Jaden: fine
Em: and secondly..who brought Katie over
Ant,kardyn,and Savannah all looked at me in shock
Ant: u mean Katie Jordan
Em: yeah
Bryce: I did why
Em: Ok do u like wanna die
Bryce: not really no
Em: don't u k ow it's like against bro code to do it with Jadens with ex
bryce: omg so what do I like get her out of the house..ok I will
Em: omfg
Everyone laughed at the Conversation
Em: anyway..everyone get bathing suits and anything else ur gonna need for the beach but girls meet me in our room u too Nessa
Tg: Ok bet

Em: Ok so everyone has a black bathing suit
TG: yes
Em: Ok ima text vani and addi in our group chat

                                          Bad Bitches

                      Vani vans👟=Avani
                        Mads🐔=Madison Lewis
                       Maddi👀=Maddi More
                       Child 1👄=Nessa

Child2👅:Everyone meet at sway in a hour and bring black bathing suit

Vani vans👟: Ok see u later bebe

Addi😘:see u there

Mads🐔: are u sure what about Jaden

Child2👅: I asked him and he said he is fine with it

Maddi👀: Ok loves

Mom2👩‍👧: I'm already here

Child 1👄: me too Dixie

Child2👅: wear jeans shorts and a white tank top..And I will do hair if I guys want

Mads🐔=I think I everyone wants them to do they're hair girly


Em: Ok so get in our bathing suits and put on jeans shorts and a white tank
Nessa: I don't have a white tank top
Em: I can have one of mine
Nessa: thanks
Em: of course girly I'm gonna go change in Jadens room since my cloths are in his room
Dixie: oh sure
Em: omfg
I WALK OUT mine and the girls room
Well really the girls room now
I knock on Jadens door and tell him it's me
Jaden: come in

He looks so hot
He was wearing a tank top and black trunks
Jaden: hey sexy
Em: hi bubs
Jaden: why are u in ur pjs still
Em: because I haven't got dressed,that's why I came in here
Jaden: oh
I walk over and get my stuff
As in walking to the bathroom Jadens pulls me down on his bed making me drop my clothes on the bed
Em: Jaden
Jaden: kiss
Em: I need to get ready the girls will be here in a hour
Jaden: kiss me and I'll let u go
I kiss him then pull away
He let go like he said he would
I walk into the bathroom and put this bathing suit on

He looks so hot He was wearing a tank top and black trunks Jaden: hey sexyEm: hi bubsJaden: why are u in ur pjs stillEm: because I haven't got dressed,that's why I came in hereJaden: ohI walk over and get my stuffAs in walking to the bathroom Jade...

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            This is the one Jaden told me not to wear last time
But ..He is gonna have to deal
I realize I didn't grab my clothes
Now my whole is Ruined
I walk on t the bath hoping Jaden doesn't see me but he did
Jaden: ur not wearing that
Em: why not bubs
Jaden: because I told u last time no
Em: please Jaden
There is a knock at the door
Ness: is it cool to come in
Em: yes
she walks in and smiles when she sees me
We have the same bathing suit on
Em: look Jaden she has the same one on please
Jaden: I already told u no
Nessa: no what
Em: he doesn't want me to wear this bathing suit
Jaden: fine whatever wear it just wear something over it
Em: thanks bubs
I slide on my shorts and tank top
Nessa: the reason I came in here ..I need shorts
Em: lucky is I have the same shorts as these
Nessa: yay
I have her the shorts and she went back in our room
Em: ja
Jaden: yeah
Em: are u mad at me
I say this climbing on top of him
He grabs my waist and a kisses my check
Jaden: no sexy I'm not mad
Em: Ok Well can u go and get a ice chest ready
Jaden: what exactly are we doing
Em: so my parents have a huge yacht out here and were gonna go on it and have fun..but we need food and stuff so we all need t pitch in
Jaden: Ok well hate to break it to u we don't have anything to fill up the ice chest
Em: ok
I walk out of Jadens room and tell
a little while later we are all in the kitchen again
Em: Ok so we are gonna go on mine and anthony parents yacht for the day but we have to get stuff like FOOD and I have a game plan
Anthony:she look at my little sis she is just so smart
Em: why thank u..anyway..Jaden and Ant are gonna go to the store, I will make a list of things we need to get and please no Alcohol..only beer wh-
Em: I don't have to go Bryce hall
Bryce: Ok fine
Em: back to what I was saying while I two are at the store  I will be making sure everyone is ready and the yacht is in the place I think it is..then when the girls get here I will do everyone's hair and while I'm doing that everyone will be putting things in the ice chests wh-.
Jaden: u want two of them?
Em: 3...know everyone shut up...while 3 people are filling up ice chests then everyone else will be putting food on bags meaning boys u have to get bags from the store..Once everyone is done and ready we will leave and my plan is to leave here by 11:00 and it is 8:30 meaning we have 3 and a half and the girls will be here soon everyone GET TO IT..
Anthony: what song want us to get from the store
Em: I will text u everything...let me go out shoes on
Jaden: yeah me too
I walk up In Jaden room and I hear the door close behind me
Jaden: I know it's sexy when ur bossy
Em: I wasn't even being bossy
Jaden: sure


Any way they will still be together in the story for know...
Thanks for 240 reads this is crazy
Tell me how I guys are liking it
I think might skip than month for Emeralds b-say and then do tour..
So yeah

1410 words

Why Him -Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now