chapter 17

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What Jaden said hurt me
He wants to talk and he's blowing me up

Plz can we talk

Baby plz talk to me

Plz baby I love
The last one was just now sent and the girls saw it
Nessa: bitch go talk to him
Mads: talk to who
At this point Nessa is reading the text over and over again
Tg: Jaden
Mads: about
Nessa: here just read
Em: Nessa
Nessa: what
Nessa already have her the phone
Mads: are you gonna talk to him
She sounded kinda mad
Em: I win-win
Mads handed Charli the phone
Em: char what are u doing
Charli: texting your mans boo
Mads: your mans
She said this under her breathe but vani heard her
Em: what did you say char
She handed me the phone

Ok...where are you

Em: he texted back
Tg: what did he say

In the lounge area

Ok omw

Em: Ok guys ima go see what he has to say
Kardyn: where did Mads go
Em: I don't know...but ima go
I walk I to the lounge area and Mads is sitting with Jaden
Mads: come on Jaden can we plz get back together
Jaden: no Mads I don't love you or want to be with you anymore
Mads: is this because emerald
Jaden:'s not
Mads: you know she's just your rebound...your gonna come crawling back into my arms soon
Jaden: that's the thing Mads I'm not
Em: Jaden
Jaden: hey..come
I followed him into one of many room
Well there was 8 to be exact
This one is the one I put all my stuff in
He put his stuff in here too
Jaden: I'm sorry baby..I doesn't think it would make you upset
Em: what do you mean Jaden, you told me you loved me the. Turn around not even an hour later and call your Ex got
Jaden: I k ow I was in the wrong...I shouldn't even have looked at her I should have been looking at you
Em: yeah ya think
Jaden: Em baby I love you and I'm sorry I shouldn't have do e that and I won't ever do it again
I pulled him in and kisses him he kissed back and laughed In The kiss
Jaden: I love you baby
Em: I love you too bubs
Ant: do u love him more than me
Any days this game crying
Em: I don't know
Jaden: I'll get to nutella
Ant: no I will
They  both race out of the room to get nutella
Nessa: we have some serious talking to do
I told them everything that happened in the car and how he said he loved me earlier and how he said it over text and just now and said it back
Mads: Omg
Avani: Mads what is your problem
Mads: she took my boyfriend she broke up with me because of her
I walk out of the room crying and bump into someone
I can tell it's Jaden because of the smell
Jaden: hey what's wrong baby
Em: M-Mads th-thinks i t-took you f-from her
Jaden: baby it's ok
After he claimed me down we stared having fun again
Jaden wanted to take a picture so

I shouldn't even have looked at her I should have been looking at youEm: yeah ya thinkJaden: Em baby I love you and I'm sorry I shouldn't have do e that and I won't ever do it again Em:promiseJaden:promiseI pulled him in and kisses him he kissed b...

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