chapter 19

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ThinkPad month has been amazing
Indoor really knowledgeable and Jaden are
It's like I'm sleeping in his bed every night
He kissing me in public and stuff like that
But I don't know what we are

I try to up but Jaden pulls me down
Em: I need to go to the bathroom
Jaden: fine what time is it
Em: 8:30
Jaden: ugh we gotta get up
Em: ha I'm already up
Jaden: I see that birthday girl
I blushes and walk I to the bathroom
I go to the bathroom and as that jaden is already dressed
Jaden: go get dressed missy
I go get dressed into thia

I try to up but Jaden pulls me downEm: I need to go to the bathroomJaden: fine what time is itEm: 8:30Jaden: ugh we gotta get upEm: ha I'm already upJaden: I see that birthday girlI blushes and walk I to the bathroomI go to the bathroom and as tha...

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I come out the bathroom and Jaden gives me a look
Em: what
Jaden: looking good missy
Em: thanks..Ima go see the girls
I go to the girls room and they are wearing the same thing as me
We're all to wearing black vans too
Tg: happy birthday
Em: thank you guys..I'm hungry
Nessa: Josh is making blueberry pancakes
Em: well let's go
We to the kitchen and Josh is making pancakes
TB: happy birthday Em
Em: thanks
Josh: I'm making pancakes
Em: k
Josh: everyone can come get some..there hella
Em: Josh why did I make so much
Josh: what do you mean
Em: Josh that's 4 plates full of pancakes
Jaden: we will! Just eat them all
Em: Ok
We eat then Jaden and ant have to go in a little while
We've just been playing around for the past 2  hours
Jaden: Ant we gotta Bonita 10:30
Ant: Ok see you guys later
Jaden: bye
Em: bye
They walk out and we hear the car drive away
Josh: who wants starbucks
Em: we can't get starbucks they have the car
Josh: they took a uber
Em: oh
We go to Starbucks and order
After we get starbucks we just hang out at this park
Then about an hour later we all get board
Em: I'm board
Nessa: me too
Josh: we canonized there to the playground
Q: no one's there
Em: ok
We walk over there
Em: look there's a tire swing
Josh: get on I'll push you guys
Me Nessa and Savannah got on
Josh: ready... hold on
Em: Ok we're ready
He starts swinging it and Nessa is screaming about hair fast he's going
Kardyn video tapes it and sent it in our group chat
For this I'm only doing the people who haven't been texted in the story

                                       Gang gang💣
                               Ki Ki kio=Kio

*sent video*

Bro Nessa stop screaming

vani vans👟
Happy birthday baby

She's my baby vani

Child 1👄
She was ours first

Rich 💲-yards🏡
Yo who named me this

Why Him -Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now