Part 7 nightmare

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Sophie's pov :
It was evening and me and Tom were sat eating dinner and I was appoligising to him he just held me and kisses me . It was now nighttime . We were sleeping . I started sweating and tossing and turning I could hear my name being yelled BABE BABE WAKE UP . I sat up screaming and hold onto Tom . He's like it's okay I got you I got you . It was about Theo I told him he said I will beat him if he comes anywhere near you babe do not worry hunny . I fall back asleep but couldn't so walk downstairs crying .
Tom pov :
I was sleeping and hear screaming and knew it was my girl so scream her name and wake her up . She holds onto me and she is scarred for her life with Theo I hate the geezer . I then wake up again a few hours later to see that she has gone . I wake up quick and leg it downstairs babe there you are oh my days you scared me . She looks frightened but she didn't let it bother her because she had me and knew it wasn't real .

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