The plan

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Clarke awoke to the everyday bustle of her camp. She knew that this plan was going to lessen productivity for sure, but if she could send a peace message by returning this girl mostly unharmed, then it would be worth it.

The blonde finger-combed her hair and adjusted her clothing before moving to grab her notebook. She looked at it before returning it to its home on the left most side of the desk. She then walked across the tent to dig around in a large cardboard box that looked like it was about to crumble to prices at any second. The alpha came back up with a pack from the mess and began to fill it with supplies. She then set it aside. "This is for when you leave. I will only take you so far, but it should help you if you have any struggles getting home."

Lexa was grateful. She might need it because, even though there was a small settlement nearby that she could stay at, her plan would make that a bit difficult. If she was going to take Clarke with her back to Polis, she knew the girl would refuse. She would have to take Clarke by force and possibly camp under the sky for a few nights before they could enter the trade post and capitol. She would need time to prepare them for the journey to Polis.

It wasn't long until Clarke left the tent and came back with two ration bowls for them. Clarke scarfed hers down quickly before leaving with her notebook. She headed out and did her usual errands. But this time she had a knife up her sleeve, but had no intent for violence. She instead let it slide down to her hand and used it to cut one of the cords holding together pieces of the gate. She then made her way over to where the gatherers were getting ready for their trip into the brush surrounding the camp.

"Hey guys. We have a break in the gate. Would one of you mind taking care of it today? I can take your place for the day until it's done." Clarke looked at the faces of the Campers and saw one boy sigh in relief.

He took off his gathering pouch and quickly handed it to Clarke. He chuckled lightly and smiled big. "I got this Griff. Don't you worry."

Clarke could understand why the boy didn't want to be on the collection team. Whether it be fear of the Trikru wolves or wanting a less tedious job, there were a few likely reasons to be excited. She just hoped that he wasn't looking to slack. She stopped him before he walked away.

"I need that gate fixed before we get back. Don't slack. Every second you waste, we are more vulnerable to an attack." And with that she released the boy and he went off to work.

Clarke could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her body felt like a red hot wire and she could only pray that her face would maintain its usual olive tone. She quickly put on the collection pouch and made her way out of the broken gate.

One of the gatherers stopped her. "Why are you joining us today? I'm sure there are more pressing matters for our alpha to deal with."

Clarke nodded. "Yes, but in the end I am just one cog in this working machine of a pack. Plus, it would be good for me to see the workings of this job up close."

With that the questioner smiled and dropped her gaze.

The group continued prepping and made sure to grab at least one blade each. It was better to be prepared.

The group walked past the gate where the boy was intently working at the gate. He had his mouth locked into a tight line across his face and his forehead was scrunched inward. It was fascinating how passionately people work when they feel they have a real purpose. It was something that Clarke had been observing in her pack more and more as tensions continued to rise with the hovering threat of a possible Trikru attack at any moment.

She was impressed with this group of former delinquents to say the least. They had been able to unite against a common enemy. Only Clarke was starting to feel like the bad guy lately, even though she had never wanted to be that. But then again, what we want to be and who we are are often times very different people. Especially in situations like the one that the Campers had found themselves tangled in.

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