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Lexa felt her blood go cold.

"You're coming back to camp," the voice whispered in her ear. "Don't make a sound or I will kill you."

Lexa could almost laugh at his lousy grip. "Okay," she murmured in response, sure to keep a straight face—for now.

Clarke and Octavia continued walking, not having noticed her sudden pause. Until then, she hadn't minded the freedom, but now she wondered if she would have been better off bound and lead. Thinking hard, she knew she could get out of this, she just needed Bellamy to loosen his grip. He wouldn't do that until she agreed. So she did.

He began his awkward stumble back to where he came from, Lexa still in his grip. The knife was still pressed tight against Lexa's neck and the blade was close to nicking her skin.

They stumbled together and Lexa made sure to take careful note of where they were. She counted paces and turns. She mentally made note of every object she could use as a reference. He wasn't releasing his grip at all and a small trickle of blood was trailing its way down Lexa's throat. She could smell Bellamy and the stench of his anger, but slowly something else came into her range of smell. She stiffened.

"You didn't think I would really come here all by myself, did you?" Bellamy chuckled bitterly. "Dax! Get out here."

The blonde boy slinked his way out from the shrubbery. He gave a respectful nod to his alpha and kept his head slightly bowed, refusing to make eye contact. "Take her back to camp. I have to get my sister."

The boy swallowed hard. "What about Clarke?"

"She forfeited her right to the pack as soon as she took in the enemy and began prioritizing her over her pack." Bellamy huffed in annoyance. "She is exiled." He shoved Lexa forward. She took the brief moment of freedom to fight back. She quickly shoved Dax to the ground with ease before turning to face her armed opponent.

"You're no leader," Lexa hissed, landing a sharp blow to his cheek. "You don't give half a thought to your actions." She silently rejoiced under her stern expression. Bellamy looked much better when dumbfounded.

But that moment was gone fast. Bellamy brought a hand to his cheek, glowering a smirk that resided somewhere between amusement and anger. He lunged at her, enraged at what he could only understand as disrespect. A grumbling released itself from the depths of his chest. Hands reached for Lexa. It was the other, much less notable opponent, Dax, but an opponent nonetheless.

She was out numbered, two to one, but this wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She grabbed at the hand from behind her, pulling him forward until he went crashing on the forest floor. Once Bellamy was closer, she was able to grab a hold of his outstretched hand, knocking away the knife and using the leverage to pull him onto her knee. The blow to his solar plexus had him gasping for air but he wasn't finished just yet.

"Savage piece of shit," Bellamy choked out. Lexa remained silent. She owed him no reply. He stumbled back, momentarily dropping to his knees before making an attempt to scramble back. Lexa kicked out when he was down, but Bellamy was one step ahead of her, even on the ground. He grabbed her leg and yanked hard, earning a grunt as her back hit the ground. There was a rustling of leaves and Lexa saw Dax rise up.

She knew then that she should have ran when she could have. She had wanted to knock him around a bit more to buy Clarke and Octavia more time and herself more time to catch up. But that had failed her. Dax stood still now, but the rustling continued, only from above. Two thuds sounded as both boys were pelted with rocks from above.

Bellamy cried out in anger as the stone hit his body. Looking up at the trees, he released a primal roar. He grabbed Lexa up and she struggled against him, landing an elbow to the same spot she knees him in earlier and successfully making him curl in on himself once more. This time she didn't hesitate to land a sharp hook to his jaw, knocking him unconscious. She turned to Dax who just stood there, visibly thinking hard about his next move.

"Go," she barked.

"You do speak English," he breathed.

"And I'm telling you to leave. Go back to your pack or I will do the same to you."

Lexa watched him carefully. His feet shuffled over the ground. He looked down at the seemingly lifeless face of his alpha. "Is he...dead?"

"No." Lexa replied. "He'll be fine. I just knocked him out. Now let me leave and I'll let you do the same. If you come after me, you will earn a much worse fate than your leader."

"What about the one in the tree?"

Lexa didn't recall having reinforcements. "The what?"

"The person who threw down the stones," Dax clarified. "What about them?"

Lexa eyed him suspiciously before taking a quick glance up. Dax lunged, slashing open a wound on her arm. Lexa hissed in pain. She growled and grabbed him hard, knocking the knife away again. "You stupid child," she grumbled, grabbing the bald and shoving it into his shoulder.

He cried in agony, clutching at the blade in his arm. Lexa turned away without another word, taking off to find Clarke and Octavia. She just hoped no one had seen them traveling alone in Trikru territory without her present. She knew her wolves and they wouldn't hesitate to attack without mercy.

• • • •

Conversation died once Octavia joined the escape. Clarke didn't need to ask why the girl joined. It was an opportunity to do right by Lincoln's pack and get back at Bellamy for his antagonistic reign over the pack.

Bellamy's actions over the last week were becoming more and more severe. It soon went from public shaming those who went against him to hog tying his pack members and withholding rations. A divide had formed in the pack. There were those, the more violent criminals, who cheered him on, taking pleasure in the suffering of the others and there were those who despised him for his lack empathy. But the same went for Clarke, because sadly, for some, violence is the only answer.

And that especially applies to alphas. A toxic set of expectations is set for alphas to survive in their pack. Dominance is crucial to maintaining a stable and orderly hold on any pack, but violence was not the only way.

Clarke wished she could teach this to her rag tag band of delinquents. That dominance meant more than being violent and disrespectful to those below them. But it seemed that violence is the only language some of the wolves would accept.

"Bellamy? But we drugged the camp. How?"

"I don't know. Maybe he didn't take a ration today or got one without the Jobi nuts. Either way, we need to leave. Now."

"Okay," Octavia nodded. She turned to leave but Clarke put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Wait," she demanded. "What does this mean for us?"

Lexa tensed her jaw. She searched the blonde's eyes, seeing grave concern. There was no easy way to say it. "You've been exiled. He knows. He will tell your people. And I can't see a reason they wouldn't understand."

Sorry for the hiatus. I'm back and will try and get more out. I had a mental break and just couldn't. But I'm rewatching the 100 to cope and picking up writing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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