Oh No

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There then was a flash of red and a alarm going off. And Peter ran to me and then all the Avenger ran in.

"Peter Get her out of here!" Pepper yelled and he then helped me up and took me to the elevator. and when then went up to my room and once we where in there he locked the door and I sat on the bed turning on the TV to the news channel. It was showing a green man attacking the tower.

"Who is that?" I asked and Peter looked at the screen.

"The Green Goblin..." He told me and I heard Pepper yell and I got up and ran at the door but something stopped me and spun me around.

"What!" I say and I look to see a web. "Oh my god, your spiderman...." I say.

"I didn't want you to find out this way..." He told me and took the web off.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked him thinking back on the day he saved me and then all the times I talked to Peter about spiderman.

"I don't know, I just the last person that knew... she died because I couldn't save her..." He tells me and I pulled him a hug the best I could and he huged me back. But the baby kick both me and I pulled back.

"Sorry..." I tell him and he puts his hand on my baby bump.

"It's fine..." He tells me and he lowered his head to the baby.

"oh.. But you... I got my eye on you..." He tells the baby and I started to laugh.

There then was an explosion causing me to fall into his arms and the lights to go out. Then when I looked up we began to look deep into each others eyes. He then kissed me and I just let him. I know I've waited to kiss him. But it isn't right, so I pulled away and stood up.

"I'm sorry..." He tells me.

"Don't be, it's fine... but it'd be different if I wasn't married..." I tell him and I think I said to much cause he started to smile.

"Oh, so someone's got a crush on me..." He said then raised his eyebrows up and down. And then it was quite. "So did you like the kiss?.." He asked me and I felt my water break. And i yelled as I held my stomach. "Was it really that bad?" He asked.

"No... the baby... it's coming...." I tell him. And he walked over to the window kicking it out and it fell out. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"You half to get to the hospital and the powers out..." He tells me grapping the bag I had pack for when I went into labor. But I wasn't due for about another week. Then walking over to me handing my a new pair of pants and underwear. "I figured you want to change before you go.

"I'm not changing in front of you..." I tell him and he looks at me.

"I know you going to need help...." He says.

"Fine then help me!" I say and he does and by the time we got my new pants on the contractings where getting closer and closer together.

Back To Earth *Sequel to Thor's Daughter*Where stories live. Discover now