Ch. 1:Flip flop

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Over the past three weeks it seemed your life changed so fast it made you sick. Your mom got married, you had a new step dad and brother. 

In the beginning you thought maybe this Mr. Henderson guy would be something temporary, that is, until they started getting more and more close. You met his son, Barry, but never said so much as a few forced words to him. He seemed ok but for the fact you weren't used to this really threw you for a flip and a flop.

You tried to stay with your normal routine but with the engagement and bridal showers you've really been pushed out of the comfort of your dark room. So many older women talking to you, excited about your wedding in the future (if you ever had one) and the awkward questions you just didnt have time for. You barely had time alone with your mom anymore, she's been so busy and through all of this you have felt alone.

It isn't like you can say anything! This is her big stepping stone in life, you can't bare to make her worried. When the wedding passed through in a classy church and they were sent packing for thier week long honeymoon you and your new step brother were sent to spend it with your nana poll. A week filled with dust bunnies, wierd smells and old cats. Barry didn't even stay for half the week! Going off somewhere hanging with friends and coming back in time for dinner, and your nana poll still liked him!

When your mom came back the first thing they did was move all your's and mom's stuff into mr. Henderson's place. You held an internal struggle when youh ad to pack your stuff and strip your room of the led lights you put up. They decided your room should be smack dab across from Barry's incase you needed eachother for something. You didn't get it but whatever, you'll deal with it. You didn't even know the guy and yet here you were living across from him. Which brings us up to now.

"Y/n, come out hun it's time for dinner!" You rolled over on your and groaned up to the cieling.  You tried to lay there as long as possible before she called again but instead feet stomped upstairs and someone yanked your door open. "Hey! Can't you knock?" You sat up fast and looked to them only to see a slightly irritated mr. Henderson at your door.

"Yes i can knock, but not when someone doesn't come down when they're called." He made a sniffing noise and gave a look to your dark room, "Now c'mon, outta bed, need to get downstairs before Barry or the dog steal your plate." You swung your socked feet off and pulled at your sweatpants. Dragging your feet past Mr. Henderson and down the stairs with him in tow you could ghar your mom and Barry talking.

"I'm just saying, y/n doesn't get out much and you two need to start forming a bond-"

"Hi mom" you plopped down into the chair across from her. She gave you her million dollar smile."Hey hun, I was just talking to your brother and he said he could bring you with him to hang out with his friends. What were thier names again?" She tilted her head to the boy next to you.

"Oh, they're names are Mark and David. I thin-" before barry could finish his father cut him off.

"Nuh uh, no way. I don't want those boys to get ahold of y/n and drag her into thier make believe cult like they did you with the internet and all!" He seemed to hate his son's friends but despite it Barry rolled his eyes and continued.

"Anyway, I was saying I think they wouldn't mind y/n stopping by. That is..." Barry twisted and got close to your face so fast that you dropped a piece of roast and the hound swiped it. "If you can handle it." You made a face at Barry.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle a few teenage boys, barry."

Mr. Henderson shook his head in despair, feeling he already lost his newest child to those despicable boys and thier wierd roleplaying. From what you can tell he seems to know alot about Barry's friends or not enough to the point of assumption taking over. The tinkling sound of your mom's laughter from all this seemed to give light to the room and you all continued your dinner in silence.

Well... until bedtime that is.

You and barry had to share a small bathroom and it seemed that your nightly rituals collided with eachother. To put things lightly, it was a small bathroom and Barry is a big guy and when you try to wedge a gremlin sized 16  year old girl into the mix it seemed the gears of the operation stopped turning. After nearly an hour after bedtime and a elbow or two to the face along with awkward apologizing constantly you would finally make it to the warmth of your bed, tucked away into your sheets.

Right when you shut your eyes you heard a faint knock on your door.

"Who is it?"   "Its barry." You opened your eyes and propped ypurself onto your elbows. "Come in." Barry opened the door halfway and leaned into your room. He took in everything for a moment and then looked back at you.

"Uuh, Mark and David plan on coming by tommorow. So if you wanted to meet them just come down to the basement." His eyes went back to roaming your walls, seeming wierd with eye contact.

"Ok, sure. Goodnight man." You fell back into your blankets and saw the door shut but not before you heard something like a whisper.

"Night, sis."

*_* i hate writing, anyway this is supposed to be like a rom com or some junk and you will meet mark so just think of this as a prolouge. I wanna keep thier homelives close to the web series theyre based off of but since i dont know about mark and david i will just base it off some headcanons on tumblr. Barry has always wanted a sibling but his parents split up before that could happen so yeah.... there will be plot aside from mark and y/n and some character switches and ill try to update asap 👌👌

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