Ch. 12: Dinner party

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(When youre sweating over the fact you havnt updated since the 6th... serious though, took me forever to figure out how to write this)

It was a hot day in august, you spent most of your time with Mark, Barry, and friends. You've read nearly 10 books over the summer and started your 11th book, Throne of Glass by Sara J. Mass. A high fantasy Mark begged you to read. It was a week after your mom told you about dinner plans and now she's been setting the house up this morning.

She set the fancy glasses and plates. Vaccuming every room twice and dusting spots Mr. Henderson was almost positive nobody would realise it'd been dusty. Your mother had poor Barry follow her hand and foot with the cleaning supplies and bucket. He wanted to help her, he just wasn't used to running around so fast. Every surface was scrubbed clean, bodies were washed and teath were brushed. She somehow shoved you into a dinner dress and Barry into a button up, that was luckily, green. (>:/ greens a cool colour) She had your dress match to look stylish and Mr. Henderson had on a navy tie covered in small red anchors. Mom had you and the guys sitting on the couch till dinner, not risking the potential mess.

It was around 6:30 when the door beel rang through the house, mom jumped up so fast she nearly fell and situated all of you infront of the door. She turned to you all.

"Now smile, be gentle, be curtious." She took a deep breath and opened the door. A tall man and slim woman stood behind your boyfriend, smiling softly.

"Hello! Oh my goodness don't you all look so lovely!" Your mother continued to talk them up when Mark came to hug you. He seemed fidgety and was twisting his fingers.

"What's wrong?" You whispered to him.

"Nothing... just nervous." He didn't elaborate so you left it. Barry leaned in to mutter to the both of you.

"Calm down, they'll like her." Mark snapped his head to him.

"Stay out of this Bar." Who in response rolled his eyes.

"There's no need to be all scar-" before he could finish Mark's father came to you. He radiated warmth and joy and you smiled not to be polite, but because it was nice. You could see where Mark got his chin and eyes.

"Oh hello, you must be y/n. Mark has talked so much about you." His voice was soft and gentle, nearly quiter then it had to be.

"I'm Gabe, his father." Mr. Gabe shook hands with you and you beamed.

"It's so nice to meet you!" The woman pushed past and you almost had to double back. She looked so much like her son but with the white streaks in her hair and smile lines.

"No. Way! Aaahh I am so excited to meet you!" She engulfed you into a tight hug.

"I really thought my baby was talking you up but now that i see you he was right! You're gorgeous! Oh, my grandlids are gonna look like supermodels!" Mark slapped his face and Mr. Gabe stuttered.

"N-now, noel. What did we say about that?" She playfully swatted his arm and winked at you.

It was obvious these two were complete opposites of eachother. A short, bold woman and a tall, gentle giant man. It made your heart melt. You smiled to Mark and he seemed to swell with pride. Your mother interuppted.

"If you'd all please, I set the table and dinner's ready! We can talk all we want in there!" Everyone sat at the table and the room errupted with life. The dads were talking and Mrs. Noel was telling a story you pretty sure your mom was busting a gut laughing.

"Then, i was like, 'Where's my goose?!' " laughter spread across the table till a knock was heard at the door. Everyone silenced and muttered about who it was.

"Oh, Mrs. Henderson, did you invite someone else to dinner?" Mr. Gabe asked softly.

She stood, uncertain and shook her head.

"No, i don't believe so?" She walked to the door.

Barry and Mark looked to you with questioning faces and all you could do was smile. Your mother's voice was heard from the hall.

"Oh, hello David what brings you here?" She was rightfully confused.

"Hi mrs. Y/n's mom! I was invited to dinner, i even brought a soup!" Mark snapoed his head to you and raised his brows to you. You made a face back.

"Gasp, look Gabe! They're communicating through faces, aaawww, just like we do!" Mrs. Noel gushed over you both to her flustered husband. Your mom walked in with a huge scraped up tupperware and she shot a look at you. You knew you'd hear about it later, but this was gonna be fun. Under the table you reached for Mark's hand and he intertwinded his fingers with yours. A smile tugged onto his face and david came in.

"Hey davey! Glad to see you made it!"

(A/n) :too tired, ill make a dinner party pt. 2 tomorrow or somethin. Mr. Gabe and mrs. Noel are completley mad up but i'll draw a picture of them for you. I like to imagine mark's mom has a new jersey accent :) but thats my opinion

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