Ch. 3: your external bio

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"So tell us about yourself."

All three boys were staring at you. Barry looked nervous, david looked and excited and mark annoyed. You didn't know where to start... you never had friends to answer to.

"Uh, i like movies." You shrugged your shoulders in a what you hoped was a good enough answer. Mark gave you an exxagerated eyeroll and plopped into one of the computer chairs.

"Barry your gorlfriend doesn't obviously care to be here so why the hell did you invite her in the first place?" You grimaced and heard barry raise his voice at mark.

"Dude, first of all she's my sister! Second, you need to be nice to y/n and third, you need to start listening to your friends or you aren't aloud in the upstairs bathroom anymore!" Barry was red in the face. Either from anger or embarresment, you didn't want to know. It disturbed you with how comfortabley he called you his sister. Mark crossed his arms and glared at Barry. He seemed to have reached an internal conclusion and turned in the chair to you giving what you hoped was a real smile.

"Hi, I'm Mark. That kid in the helmet is named David and if you didn't already know from the get go, we are Barry's best friends." He stuck his hand out to you and you prayed to whatever god was up there that his hand wouldn't be sweaty. When reaching to grab his hand you realized his hands were nicley dry and warm, his hands weren't completley smooth but not rough like Mr. Henderson's hands. A simple hand shake and you retreated to see that Barry looked warry and David was silent. You decided you didn't like him that way.

"Well..." you struggled with what to give them. "I guess i enjoy horror movies?" They all seemed pleased with your answer. David went back to his talkative nature. "Have you watched any Animes or dramas lately?" You shook your head.

"Hhhmm, what's your favourite colour?"


"Batman or superman?"

"I dunno... batman?"

The questions went like this for awhile and during this you sat yourself on a beanbag chair and fiddled with what dice you could reach on the floor. Barry seemed interested in the conversation but Mark huddled to the desk working on what you assumed was character sheets or some other wierd thing. You wondered if he ever wrote anything  for fun. David snapped his fingers and got your attention back, he seemed to have thought of something. Looking to mark from his spot on the floor he then smiled.

"Hey, why don't you show y/n pictures of your ferret!" Mark sat up and scoffed, something he seemed to do quite often. "Thier name is Elder Mark II, David. Get it right or you won't be aloud to hold them again." Mark pulled out his phone and pulled up pictures of him and his ferret. He tossed his phone to you and from what you saw, the pictures were damned cute. 

"Aaw, they look so precious." You hand the phone back to mark and he had a tint of red on his face.

"Thanks, they're really just a bastard..." he coughed into his fist and went back to his work. Barry turned on a game console and looked to you.

"Hey y/n, wanna go against me in Power Punchers?" You shrugged your shoulder and scooted the bean closer to the screen, taking the controller. Picking your arena and characters Barry looked to you and gave a small laugh.

"I'll go easy on you."

... either he went too easy or you're just really good at this game. He started getting serious after you won the first 2 rounds but to no avail it seemed you were just too good. After winning a fifth match he raised his hands to the sky and let out a sad wail of a cry.

"Aaagghh, why did i think this was a good idea?"

You could hear mark mumble something about underestimating and giggle to himself. Barry was obviously frazzled so you gave the controller to David, who in turn decide to bow in thanks. You really wanted to say something but couldn't seem to get your mind to work out legitimate conversation topics so you chilled downstairs for the day.

Upstairs in the quite of the master bedroom you could hear Mr. Henderson grumbling to himself. His newlywedded wife tutted at him and grabbed him close.

"Whatever may be your problem?" He looked so mournful and then revengeful as he heard his kids laughing downstairs.

"I barely had time to set a good example and now those wierdos got thier claws into her!" Mr. Henderson put his head in his hands and let the Mrs. hug him close. He was so excited to welcome another child into the family and nkw he doesn't know what he's going to do...

'Dear god, protect this girl.' He thought to himself.

A/n: can you tell this was rushed? Woops. Can you tell the mother has no character? Woops. Can I TELL THIS HAS 21 VIEWS AND RANKED SECOND ON THE TAG CRAIG OF THE CREEK??? YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASSES I CAN! Im just so happy it seems someone is enjoying it out there!  I would love if those who are keeping with the story would comment or vote, i would be estatic!

Love you guys lots😇

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