Ch. 8: all about mark

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((I really hated last chapter and i didnt want to force myself to put more crappy chapters out there so im sorry if its been awhil :"c ))

Having Mark spring plans on you and giving up your hangout with courtney kinda peeved you off. You tried to avoid him thursday and friday trying to cool down before saturday. It became alot easier when his parents came back into to town for the next 3 weeks because that meant he could go home. Before he left he got ahold pf your number and would send blips of texts every so often. You sent small replies but you didn't engage in conversation.

Barry seemed to have no end with the questions. He would catch you and ask about Mark and your plans and what you thought about it. You didn't lash put on him but it seemed he took hint of your annoyance and left it. Now that he was done your mom and step-dad decided they would start the questioning next. Your mom was excited and gushed over the idea of a boy whisking you on a date (no matter how much you protested against that word). Mr. Henderson was dealing with an internal battle. On one hand he was trying to be nicer and understanding for your mother.... but on the other hand he despised Barry's friends. He gave you a can of pepper spray and gave a long talk about limits and what no meant then left it at that.

During these past two days and seeming to have no space when you did get space it seemed Mark was all you think about. You would get nervous for saturday, your face would feel hot and on two occasions you caught yourself smiling. You would text courtney about it but you would only get teasing from her end. It was all fun and games so it dodn't absolutley hurt you. Saturday rolled around and for the first time in years your mom came in a layed an outfit for you. She beamed at you and held her heart to her hands before walking out talking about her baby growing up. That made your nervousness tenfold.

Mark started to text you.

The game master: Hey, i'll be on the way before noon.

Y/n: kay man, see u then

The game master: Don't worry about lunch. I plan on taking us somewhere.

Y/n:😎 nice

He texted like an old man. It wasn't bothering, it just made you snicker. All you could imagine was Mark sending letters. The more you imagined that though the more you thought about how sweet it would be to recieve them with pressed flowers and sweet lymrics. There goes your fucking face agian. 'He probably doesn't even write letters!'

A few quick knocks at your door caught your attention and the sound of your mother's tender voice greeting the one and only.

"Well hello Mark! Aren't you dressed nice!" You came to the door and saw a bumbling Mark who wasn't used to compliments like your mom's. He looked passed her and saw you at the bottom of the stairs. His face went blank and he bit the inside of his cheek. You just assumed he was ready to get the show on the road. When you got a full look of Mark you saw he didn't have anything on that would absolutley put your outfit to shame. He just put on a light blue, short sleeved button up and tucked it in.

"Hey y/n, you ready?" You grabbed your purse and was halfway out the door before Barry rushed and nearly fell down the stairs. He fumbled to stand and then pointed to Mark.

"Dude, you better be nice!" You could hear Mark choke behind you.

"Shut it Barry, she's just helping me with a few things!" Your mom cut in.

"Now Barry there's no need to be so protective! Just imagine if your best friend became your brother in law! Then you two would be closer then ever!" All three tenns gawked or nearly fell. Both you and barry yelled.

"Mom!" Mark spoke.

"Geeze lady,Oh my god." He facepalmed. You stepped out of the house. "Okaythat'senoughwegottagobye!" You slammed the door before your mom could get ahold of it. Turning to Mark you couldn't really tell how he was feeling. He bit his lip and looked back at you. "Let's go." He walked to a dark blue car.

"Wow, I didn't know you could drive." The inside smelled fresh and when he crunk up the car an indie station came on. He turned around to reverse out of the driveway.

"Yeah, my mom taught me. Dad was too skittish to handle me being behind the wheel." He smiled at the thought.

"Ooh, and What are the great dungeon master's parents like?" His cheeks became rosy at the question and he gave you one last look you couldn't read before driving off into the road.

"Well, they trust me. We have the same interest except Mom was more so a reader and dad was attracted to the theatrics of it all. So thier interest collided onto me." You hummed at the thought of Mark geeking out with his parents and chalked up the score to three self smiles about him.

"What do they do for a living?" He made a turn into the busy stree filled with stores. Mark was a pretty ok driver.

"They're both travelling doctors. They aren't able to take me with them so i crash at your place as you already know."

"Oh, they must be really smart then." He gave you a side eye and smirked.

"Where do you think i get it from?" You snickered because you knew you practically ran into that one.

"Okay smarty pants watch yourself," he laughed loud and you already decided you loved it," where are we heading to first?" 

"Strip mall, a few places i go to are having sales and what not."

"You gonna buy me something?" He grunted, turned into the parking lot and turned off the car.

"Depends on if your good enough." He stepped out and you were left to wonder why the fuck that made you feel fuzzy.

Two dorks sitting in a tree! (Mark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now