Ch. 6: Is this still Mark?

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(Finally a fucking chapter that has your thoughts on mark wtf took me so long???? Also pic aint mine)

After the incident involving the bus and adding Courtney's number to your phone it was that moment where you searched for classes and prayed to whatever up there was listening. You mainly had required classes besides intro to ag and spanish. Amongst the crowd of people, and Barry having to forcefully peel you away from him, you found David in an actual shirt and pants. David's helmet forgone. You grabbed him so fast he barley had time to take a step into the bathroom. After a smalk tussle and him realizing who it was he smiled.

"OH!Hey y/n, what's up?" He looked so out of his element and when you stood beside him you saw people made distance between thwm and hisself. Ignoring it for now you lifted your schedule up to him.

"I... I was wondering if maybe we had any classes together? I would really like to have somebody familiar with me." He seemed to be touched and pulled his schedule out to meet your.

You two had no fucking classes together except one and it was your last period. Geometry 1. You whined a bit and he had to assure you it would be fine but there seemed to be only 2 minutes left till you had to head for class. A quick squeeze of the hands and goodbyes you headed to 1 period... history. You felt history and ELA were your strongest suits and for the fact it was the first day not much exciting hapoened.breezing through your classes you realized almost all of them you seemed to share with Tabitha. She would throw paper and draw on the desk but her presence and aloof friendliness didn't do bad for your anxiety. After a combined lunch with the freshmen you headed to spanish.

It was decorated in tacky decorations you would find in a mexican resturaunt. Half the kids were already settled in seats. You knew sophmores and juniours would be combined since it was given to them for later classes but you really didn't think you woild see mark sitting in the back with his nose shoved into a book. Alot of the rowdier and more well known kids sat up front so you weaved your way to the seat next to him. From the cover of his book you could see he was reading a high fantasy novella in which it didn't suprise you in the slightest. The rest of the remaining students filed in amd the teacher clapped her hands.

Mark put his book down but out of the corner of your eye he was obviously glancing to you. You turned to him and waved as not to disturb the class and he quickly whipped his head back to the front of the class. Red splotched his face in patches instantly as his blood rushed.


He's been going through his day as calmly as possible. Easily attending classes and having known his schedule a week ahead it didnt seem to phase him. But internally he was freaking the fuck out. He didn't mean to move ontop of y/n like that this morning and he didn't think about it... well... not until third period. He was didle dallying and letting his mind wander when he thought of you. He was stricken odd when he did and had to catch himself but then he thought about the bus. And the way you looked. And how you smelt. And for only a small second about how you felt. He practically slapped himself in 3rd period chemistry and Barry had tocome up with an excuse as to why he dissruppted the class. Ever since that thought crossed Mark's mind he tried so hard not to think about all your hangouts and your face... and your hair...

'Oh what the hell is wrong with me?' Barry practically bashed him with questions when in-between classes and all Mark could make up for was a red face and distracting himself.

He opened his novella and blasted through more then he wanted to. He force doodles from his hands and his leg bounced under the tabel. Mark felt like he was doing good for ignoring but then you sat down next to him in spanish class and gave him that cute smile and instantly he could feel warmth rush through him. Hell, you voluntarily sat next to him! Mark sat in his desk and kneaded at his hands and fingers.

Mark didn't know who this was taking over him... was it even still him?

A/n: I know its not that long but i needed to get it out of mt system before i could feel it die inside me. Please comment, vote, and follow.

Bye lovleys 😇

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